the Epi/1le to thegalatians. Chap.6. 62; fhall properly bindthe confcience; yea totread Kings and Em -1 perours vnder his feete, and caufe them likevafIalls to ttcsid his Itirrop. Againe, they compell others to fait, efpcciaby in Lent, when as they in the meane time feaft ; their fall beefing to cate fall, and drinke fait, in mortifying the flelli with their Indian capons,and peacocks, and that vpon good Friday ; whereas to sate white-meates vpon that day, fhould be in others a mortal! fine. Further , they beare the poorepeople in hand that In- dulgences are meanes to remit finnes; and that thole that are I o excommunicated by the Popeare in adamnable efìate:where- as many of them , account Popes bulls to be but Inlla, metre trifles, andEuch as buy them,Rarkefooles; witnefTe the fpecch of theDuke of Valence, baltard to Pope Alexander the fixt, who hauinb loft certaine thoufand crownes at a throw at the w 5 dice ; Tufh (laid he) there arebut the finnes ofthe Germans. And that ofCharles thefift(though afauourer and maintainer ofthe Romane religion) who, becingmenaced byPope Pas- Im thethird, with excommunication, if he would not yeeldvp Playfance into hisbands, let him vnderftand byhis EmbafTa- in dour, that he would thunder at S. Angelo with his canons and artillerie, if he wouldneedes be thunderingout his excommu- nications.Lafily, they vrge confcflion ofPurgatorie,almoft as an article of faith , whereas fome of them arefo farre from be- leeuingit, as that they thinke there is neither heaucn,nor hell, ís witnefTe the fpcechof PopeLeo the tenth,to Cardinals Bern- 013,,,b4 6m : O Bembas, what richer be wegotten 6y thisfinefableof le- qut=wmne- frre Chrifb1 By this we arecontrarily admonifhed , topraftife uula t`ii ,te that we profefTe : the Ministers of theword, efpecially,ought chria °? verba vertere in opera, (as lerorne fpeaketh) that is , to turne 3o words into works , that their hues may be reali Sermons to the people: for otherwifc they pull downe with one hand,as fait as they buildwith another. Let vs confider how Peters badde example, is faide to haue compelled the Gentiles to hue as the levees. Gal. 2. 14. For anions abide, andareof force, when $ ç words palre as the winde. Moreouer,vpon this dependeth another propertie of fedn- cers,which is, to let a faire gloffe vpon the matter, and to make ilthe world bcleeue,theydoe dickand there things, for Inch and fuchendes (as there falfe teachers did, pretending religion and confcience, but intending freedom from the crofTe, and their Xxxx 2 owne r!;