Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

_ . . ... .. 611. Chap.6. AC.;4YD.eYadriee v°"a c wne vaine gloric)whereas they meane nothingiefí'e:likeHe- rod,who made thewocworfhippingChrifl, whenhis purpofe was to haue deflroied him. Matth.z. Thispropertieand pra. û fe is,and hath beenc vfi,aall,fpecially in theChurchof Rome. For generally , they would haue theworld beleeuc, that the Popes triple crowne,&cHierarchic ofthat Sea, isfor the main- tenance and defence ofthe Gof$el : whereas all the world knowes, it is oneiy tokeepe their kitchins hot, to vphold their Tertian pompe,andambitious tyrannie. Particularly, therebe two politicke praflifes of theirs , which prooue the point in I0' hand. Fall , it is well knowne, that Popes haue neuer ceafed from time to time, to fclticite the Princes ofEarope, to main- taine the holy warre(as they call ít)pretendin ; the recouerie of the holy land, out of the hands of the Turkes,and Sarracins : when as(at leaft ín-the, beginning)they intended nothing Idle, r;: but that by this rneanes they might fet the Eat} andWelt toge- ther by the cares , whi.lf# they plaied their parts at home in Ita- lic. The fecond, is their $hrift,or auricular Confefhon, which they praelife. for this end (as they fay)that they may pacifie di- flreffed Confcicnces, byabfoluing themof their fnnes : when a_0 as the truth is, they faro' brought it into the Church , and doe . frill continue it,in a politicke refpeEt , as beeing the one!), way in the world1toknow all the fccret purpoles,plots,poilicies,and pra1ifcs,that are either in Churcl orCommonwealth. We arc thereforehere admonifhed to take heed ofdifferu zg bling,in making Chriftianitic a cloakeofimpietie, or to pre- tend one thing,and intend anothcr,like the heart pointing vp. ward,and poi(ing downeward ; for that will be a farre fowler foloecifine the' that which the heathen cómitted with his bJd,in pointing to heauen,whe he fpakeofthe earth. But let vs alvvay ro labour for finccritie,to beat leaft that whichwe pretend tobe, or rather like Salomons temple, whole windowcs were larger within then without,and not like.the glow - worms, making a faire glittering fhewe of that which we hauenot. v. 14.. But God forbidde that I fhould glory , faue in the crole of our Lord.Iefus Chrift,whereby the ç ' world 3f