the Epillle to ivGalatisint. Chap.6. 62ç world is crucified to me, and I unto the world. In thefe wordsPaul comes to the Pedeli:fen of the dinimi- 1 5 litude betwixt him and the falte Apoflles , his glorying, and theirs . In them we may confider two gencrall points. 1 irdl, wherein he would not glory in nothisi`,jaue in , &c.Secondis', the thingwherein he would glorie,ln the croffe ofChri;?,vct here. -ì o of he renders a reason in the words following, taken from the effe.(.ts which the croirewrought inhim, For, by it, the world was crucified tohine,andhevnto theworld. For the firi1:Togáorie,implres three thin s.Firfl,toreioice, exult, and triumph in a rnan fel`e , in regard offorne good _15 ' thing,or fume fuppofed good. Secondly,to bewray this great fpecch,or aEìion,or both. Thirdly, by bcafling ofit,to looke for praife and applaufe ofinene which glorying (according to thenature ofLie obiea , and-the endre)is either I good or euill.For ifit haue a right obiea , namely, tke croje of so Cbri hand a right endc,theglorie ofGod,it is good ; otherwife i is euill:filchas was this gloryingof the falfe Apoflles,and all o- ther carnali gloryin ;,which is not in the I,..or :for it is nothing eis but vain glorte.Lain I fay,fisd,in regard ofthe things whet- in men glorie , which are either filch as are not, as whenMan 25 boanethof thatwhich he bathnot, but would feemc to haue: or filch as he bathnot of himfeife. i . Cor. 4.7. or fuchas haste no continuace , but are tranfitorie and e fading, asrali earthly things are, teeingman hisnfelfe is but aagr4. , andatll the glorie ofmstn, but as the fieure ofthefield. l fay, 4o. 6. Secondly ; it is 30 , vaine in regard ofman , from whorne we lcoke for glorie,and adeniration,feeing his iudgerncntis eironeot s. Thirdly,in re- gardofthe ende,innot referring, it to the maine and proper ende, the glorie of God , and the goodof his Church. The Prophet reduceth all thofe things, wherein we ought not to 35 glorie, to three heads: wifèdome,firength, ric.&escall which we '1eí.94. haue receiued,& thereofought not to boati ofthcm,a though we had not receiued them. In particular, wifedome is not to beglorified' in,feeing it is very defe flue, whether wefpeake of fpectilatiucwifedome,flanding in contemplation,or praaical, confining inaaio t : For in artes and fclences,as alfo'in the fe- X X X 3 ..___... act's -.