Ì626 jChap.6. Coratutetetarienon trots of*tature,our ignorance is greater then our knowledge. I Hethat knowes not that he knowesnothing in theft things,let him read the bookc oflob , chap. 28. and 37,and 38.And as for wifcdomc in diuine things, We knavenothing tit weostglat to knewe, r.Cor.8. a.for weknow bast inpart ,andfee bat as inaglafe, ii 5 dark_.Iy. T.Cor. T 3.12. And as for praetica11 wifdomt, flandingl in pollicie,it is not demonflratiue, but meerely conieeturall,& therefore we cannot buildupon it,confideringin it there is the concurrence of fo many caufes that arecafuall, and of fo many} mindes which are mutable. Salomon the great polititián had 1 to experience hereof for he thought that by ioining of nitie with his neighbour Princes round abouthim,& takingtheirdaugh- ters to be his wiues,he fhould cflabltfhhis own houle, flung- thenhis kingdoms , and drawe the Heathenifh Idolatours to the worfhip ofthe trueGod.But all things fell out contrarie to i 5- this his plot and proie& : for it was fo fasre from winning o- thers to imbrace truc religion,as that it drewe him to idolatrie: and fo farm from flablifhing his houle, or flrengthening his kingdome, as that it was the caufe of the rendingof the one, and the ruinatingof theother.Conffantine the great, was per- 20 fwaded that by building the citie Conflantinople in the con- fines ofEuropeand Aha,and there placing one of his fonncs, as his Lieutenant to keepehis court,he fhouldfortifie his Em- pire,as with a wall ofbraffe:But hewas decei.ued, for the buil- dingofnew Rome,was the decayof the olde,and the diuiding 25 oftheEmpirewas the dcltruElion thereof: So that it is tinny faid,pollicie is often the ouerthrowe of politic. Nowcifwifedome may not be gloried in , much leffe may ftrength, feeing that trifedome is better thenf1rength,Ecclef.9. t 6.feeing that the greatefl firength ofman , is not compara- 3o. bit to that ofBehemoth.Iob.4o.and other bruitebeafs:Iceing it isbut the flrength offloíh: fixing nopower, nor might,can deliuer from wrath in the day ofwrath . ®fall the puífl'ant ;. Princes,andplottingpolititians,thepfalmii faith, Theyarc fo vaine, that ifthey be laid vpon the ballartce, cum vanitie it 35 Cellewill waigh them downe,Pfal.62.9. And as for riches , betides that they makevs neuer a whine the better,(nay oftentimes muchworfe¡they are allo vnccrten.Sa- lotTton faith, they make therfif lases wings likean Eagle, and fliea- way. Pro. a3. 5. Theymaynot vnfitly be compared to Tonas