_ tha Epißleto the Galatians. rd w hick fiourifhed in the morning, -eelding him con ,his you , v i tent Scdelight,but fhortly after(to his great grief ,)twas Uric- kenby aworme , and witheredaway. .The like maybe í ridof ,honours,and pleafures. For what more vaine then toglorie in. 5 i honour, =which is not in a mans power , sing :is the Philofo- pher teachcth, Honour tc not in hag that is honoured hat inbrit:, ie't.ic,t.z.s.¢ l that honosireth: and therefore Courtiers 2:e compared to coup- I ters,whiehfland fonaetisncfor pounds , o nctirne for pince beeing nowaduanced,now debafed, 2ccorciislg to the pieaurc 20 of the Prince. Herman to day highly honoureli in thecourt at j Shari-Ian , the next day hanged vpon a tree, To omit theex- Ern ?. amples of Iob, and Nebuchodonofar,(in wlroivcc we may fee the nititabilitieof worldly dignitie.)Confider it in the glatie of ! there examples. FirflofGelineraputflàntPrince of the Nan- rro opisu. 5 dáls,whowas brought fo lowe,that he suas enforced to reclueff hisfriend tofendhint aloafe ofbread, a fponge, and a.harpe:a 1Qafe,toflake his hunger:afponage,t© drie ,°p histcares:a harpe,.. to rot ace him in his nuferie. Of'Bellifarius, (for prov r.s & ho- nour,the onlyman then liuing,)who came to that tnifera tile e- 20 f}atc,that hauing lus cics put out, he was led in a flying to beg by the high way fide, crying, `Date obc1m; BellAIiiri,s . And of the vietorious Emperour Hernie the. fourth, who had ;ought 5 2.pitched fzelds;.and yet wasdriven to that exi ent,as t hat 1_e. became a firer for a poore Prebend in the Ct Breh o{ 5pira , 25 to maintains hinzfelrc in hisolde age.And as for WO; icily plea. fures,leaf$ caufe is there that any man fhould glorie in them, fe- ingtheyaremore vani(hing then the former: fe,iogthey are common to vs withbruitebeafés:feeiing they aremingled with muchgriefe and vexátion,for in the rridfl of li:f .,7f?rer, thic heart 3a isfsrrowfal.Prou.1r4.I3.And laflly,fceing they lcaueafling behinds them,for- the endeof pleafure is nothingbut paiie,as' Salomon faith,The end ofretoycírtrismsurnirr?. For feaaflinm i... ' r1"'1443°. banguettingare often turned into ftarfetting 8.c., voroitirsg:dtin. kings into palfies:lu.is into goutes, &c And were ., 3i but onely painefull,the matter were the leffre ebut they are al o finnefull.Ebr. t i.25.and therefìrre in no wiketo be gloried in. By this we fie that Paul had inn caule in this carnal 4nan- ner, to fay.,çoclfèrliidde f 1.oxldgloriefaue in the croie ofC4.riJ?. confidering that this boa$ißÿ inoutwardzthings,is,notcndy a fault ofYanitie, but allo of itnpietie , as may ap-peare by theft reafons. 62¡. I