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628 Chap.6, c-1Commen:4rieVN rcafotns.I.God bath exprci%ly forbidden it: Ier.9.23.Ga1.5. 26. I I. He bath alwaic feuercly punithed it , as inDauìd,for nu nbringthepeople in avaine-glorious minde. 2.Sar.a4.In Ezckias,fòr (hewing his treafures in a brauery to the Embaffa- dours oftheking of. I3abel.Ifay.39.InHerod, for afcribing to 5 himfelfe the glorie proper to God alone , 2.I I I.The Saints of God haue alway abhorred it, as Paul doth in this place,and 2.Cor. i 1.3o. 1fI muff needsglorie, IwillSlory án naáne infirmities,as ifhe fhould fay , I will be farce from carnal! boa - fling.I V. The heathen by the light ofnature banecoradem- to ned it : the Gretian Orator calls it an odious, and burden/kw thing.And the Romane Orator pronues it bemoil trueby his own.praelife,makinghis words which flowed from his mouth as fwcete as hony,to tafte as bitter as wormewood, by interla- cing his ownepraifes. 1; ObieFf.1. Paul gloried in fomething befides the croffe of Chrift,when he laid, It werebetterforhim: to die, then that any ffiouldmakehit gloryin vain,. t.Cor.9. r 5.11nfir.Paul in glory- ingdoeth diftinguifh his calling, from his perfon °flitch a one I Wá1boa, f,afmyfel)e Iwilnot 694.& Iwas nothing inferior 20 to thevery cheife Apafiles,althoagle I asn nothisg.2. Cor.r 2.5.a t. Ofhis perfonor perfonall gifts he boafteth not: but onely of his Apoftolicall calling,andhis faithfull difcharge thereof, to theendhe mayftoppe the mouthesof the falleApofllcs.Thus toconfcfle the good things we haue to the -glorie ofGod, bee- 25 íng vrged thereunto,is lawful! boafting, nay it is fometime ne- ceffarie, making much for the maintenance oftheGalati!, as Pauls boafting made much for the good of the Church of Corinth. Againe , there is a twofold lawful! boatling,onebe- fore God,anotherbefore men.Rom.4.2. Of the former the . 3o Apollie fpcakes in this verfe : ofthe latter in the 2.Cor. r 2. He gloriednot in the teftimonyofa good confcience, before god, but onely before men.BeforeGodhe glorified innothing,but in the fatting knowledge of Chritt, and him crucified. And whereas it may be (aide , thatthis his boatling in regard of the 3 5 falle Apoftles2as allo his glorying in the teftimonieof his con- fcience.2.Cor.t.r 2.and inhisinfirmities, 2.Cor. s t.30. were not in the croffeofChrift . I anfwer , they were: for his glo-, rying ouer theFalk Apoftles, iii teaching freely, was in the goodand profperous fucceffe of the Gofpel, which is the do