theEpilile to the ÿ'ala&ozr. Chap.6.! (trineof the croire, and his glorying in the tef$imonieof his! confcience ; in that it was wafhed by the bloodofthe crone, as' Paul fpeakes, Colons. r .zc. Inhis affli lions, in that they were theafltaions ofChrin, and he by themmade conformable to) him. But it will be laid, that he gloried in his reuelations , in his paines and trauell , in preaching the Gtafpel, and in the multi- tudeof Churches which hehad planted. Alf. Firíf, he did it beeing urged thereunto ; fecondly , he did it to defend his cal- ío ling, and the credit ofthe Gofpel :and therefore thisboafáing was not vnlawfull; nay it was neceffarie, and in the Lord, For when we arecompelled, we may confeflè the good things we haue, ifwe doe it fparingly , and for the edificationof others, that they maybe bettered by our example: and that they teeing ,s5 our good workes , may glorifie God our heauenly father. Matth.5. ¡ 6. Herewe fee what glorying is Vnlawfult; namely,when men afcribe veto themfelues either that which they hauenot , or more then they haue, or as proceeding from themfelues, their %° wifdome, ftrength, induffrie,in facrificing to their owne netts, andburning incenfe to their owne ycarne, Habac. i . 16. or in boafling of them without necetrarie taule , either for their owne 'acne- glorìe,as Nebuchodonofor did,Dan.4. or not for Godsglorie, as Heroddid, Aft. r r. And ifthisgloryingbe fo 25 great a finne, furely boalhssg in wíckedues(as Docgdid, Pfal. 52.1.) muff needesbe molt damnable: as when the greaten} fwcarers and fwaggerers, count themfelues the ben compani- ons : the greaten Idolaters, and fuperflittous perfons, moil.. re- ligious : the greateneppreTours,fùrfeters,drunkards,fihters, i° moll valiant and couragious,&c. Now this may be done three waies,either ignoratly as whêFen gloried in his cruel perfecu- tingofthe Saints beforehis côuerfion,Afè. e6. r nor prefutnp- tuoufly, when men glorie in wickednes, notwirhflanding they be per` l aded in confcience, that it is cuill : and then it is the 5 finne of Sodom. Ifa. 3.9. or malitioufly, todefpite God, and then it is the finneagain( the holy Ghofl. The fecond point to be confidered in,the thing wherein he will glorie, calledhere the Creffe of Ch,-ifs wave in the Crokef osr Lord Iefì C'hrifl. The words in the originall tranflatedfarm, areexceptiue: as ifhe fhould fay, Iwill giioric in Yyyy X no, 629 ni.