630 Chap.ó, AComssser.tsrrpe vpos nothingexcept in the croire of Chrif} : and cxelufiae , onely in the crock ofChrif},and in nothing els.Albeit they are fome- time aduerfatiue,as Gal. 2.I 6. and Apoc.2x.27. Thrreihall en- ter two it no vncleane t,áittg, s,i 0, bat they that arewritten, &e. where the wordsare not c-zclufiue : (for then it would follow 5 that fotne which worlcc aborrination , fhould enter intohea-' wen:) but aduerfatiue, as M uh. 12. 4. and Luk. 4. z o. which may ferue(by theway)to cicarc the text, Iob. i 7.1 2. Theft thon j 4m>i t ÿ,, TÑc 1 savedme basse Ikept , andnoireofthem ra loll, Esrt the child ofper., Í kwnac, dttien: that is, butthe child ofperdition is 1o(1. For the words, ro es to, (as I take it)are not fo well trantlated by the exccptiue coniunCi.ion n*fa , as by the aduerfatiue fia':feeinÿ here is no c:c- ccptiô tnadcofIudas, as thoughhe had bernegiun to Chriff, ofierward had fallen away:which expofition mull nccdcs be triade, ifthe wordsbe read, nitr ftíittaperditienis. 1 15. Further,.by the Crofl'e of Chrift, the Apofile vnderflan- dcth fytïecdochically, the all fufficient, expiatorie, and fatisfa-' Rorie fûceificeof Chrifl vpon the croire, with the whole work ofour redemption : in the (suing knowledge whereof hepro- fetleth he will glorie, andboat}. For trhrifíúMiele vntov.r to a,C®r-.r.p,3i. dormie, ri htcosi f nes -.- that as itis written , He thatglorieth,/Lioald Sloriein the Lord : euen to maire boa(}of him all the day long, as the Pf l<nift fpeaketh. And thereafon why Paul profefFeth that he will glorie onely in the Crofre of Chrift,is, becaufe Chrifl crucified is the treafurie,and florehoufe of the Church : z teeing that in him are hid, not onely the trca(utes of wifdome and knowledge, Colo1T. 2. 3. but of bountie and grace, Ioh.i. 16. and ofa)I.(pirituall ble(fings. Eph. i .3. Forfirff, byChrift crucified, we haue reconciliation with God,remi, lonoffines, & acceptation toeternal! life. Secondly, we haue the peace of 30 God which paffeth all vnderf}anding , peace with God , with Angels, with men, with our (clues. with the creatures.Thirdly, we recouer the right and title which we had in the creation to all the creatures and bleffings ofGod. r.Cor.3. 22. Fourthly, all of jetions and judgements, ccafe to be curfes and punifh- ments,and becomeeither trial's, or corrctîions. LatHy , death it idle, is nodeath, but a fleepar : for all that diem theLord, are laid to fleepe, and to-ref}-upon their bcddes.Iâa.s 7.2. Indecde, ifwe looke vpon death through theglafre of the Law , it is the very downcfall toeternaildef}rulïion : but ifwe confider it as it