the Epdffle to the Galitimr. Chap.6. 631 it ischanged by the deathofChrift, it is but a paífage from this tranfitoric life,to eternal! life. Chrift by his death hath taken a- way finne, the fling ofdeath : fia that though it feaze vponvs, yct(hauing loft it tting)it cannot hurtvs So that in a word, in 5 Chrifi crucified, arc all things that a man can glorie ot. It we wouldglorie in knowledge, and wifdome; He is the wtfdome ofthe father , fccing that all treafures of wt(domc and know. ledge are hid in him: and therefore Paul defiled toknownothing among the Corinthians,but (brig andhint crucified. I. Cor. 2.2. 'to for this knowledge is eternal! life. Ioh. r 7. 3,1f in the !cue and fauour ofgreat men : by him we arehighly aduanced into the lout & fauour ofgod.Eph.t.6.1f in honors & riches;by him we arc made Kings and Priefis. Apoc. t. 6. It in liberties byhim we are deliuered from the handsof our enemies, Sinne, Satan, a 5 &C. Luk. r.74. fir, plcafures,comfort, and content : he is our fclic'itie, in Lmwe are ceplete,Coloff.2.Byhim we haue right to thole things which eye bathnot lane, eirehallo not h'ard,ncither can the heart Inmanconceine. It maybe faid,why doth Paul glo. rie° in tie ignominiousdeath ofChritl, rather then in hisolori- lo out refurreEtion,triumphant afccnfion , and imperial! iurifdi ¿lion now fittingat the right handtaf the Father? Anf. Thefe are not excluded , but included in the Crofl'e : yet henanieth the cro fle rather then them. Firfl ofall , tofhcw that vpon the crof{è,Chrilt did fully finifh theworke ofour redemption: for :5 beefing now readie to giuc vp the ghofi, he faid , It it finî/bed. Ioh. rç. 30. this made Paul to delire to know nothing but Chrift,and him crucified. t .Cor.a. For in his humiliation 11 ds our exaltation ; in hisweaknes , (lands our firength ; in his ig- nominie, our glorie : in his death, out life. Secondly, to fhew 30 that he was not afhamed of the crofreof Chrifl , though neuer fo ignominious in theeyes of the w.orld. It had beene no great thing for Paul to haue gloried in the refurreftion, afccifon, wifdome, power , maieflie of Chrift , wherein the world can anddoth glorie. But to glorie in the fhamefull . contempt vet pot. 35 :occurred death of the crofTe, was a matter of great ìfhcultie, will.;0". ,and the worke of faith , iudging that which the world counts ignominious, tobe moil glorious: that which the !earned Phi- lofophers counted foolifhnes , tobe the «ifdorr.e of God. I. Cor.t.24. The Popich fort abufe thistext twoQvaies.Fit fl,in applying YY YY 1 it