Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

_632 ''- f, A Cox*smeststrte lo,,on \it to the tran/ie»t croft. Secondly , to theperrnaneitt or mate- riall crone. To the trassfent croft, in that they glatie in it: Fir(t , as haltinga venue in it,(when it is made in the avee,) to driueaway Deuills. Secondly,becingmade in the for :bead to be as an amulet againff charmcs,blaílings, and other fuch S !Ike cafualties. To the materiall crop, when they adorne it with golde and iewells, and fo caufc it to be carried in great I port-ye before them. When the Crttcigeri eare it in their hats' in a white,rcdde, or greene colour. When theyput their corrfi-1 deucem it,and pray veto it,IloICrojp, rave s. This is Popifh ro and carryall glorying in the crofie ; and not fitiritat: ll, in the 1 deathof Chrifi upon the crone, of which onely the Apoftle 1 Ifpeatkes in this place. The reafor, why he would glorie in nothing but in the: crofre ofChrift, followeth tobe con(idered,in thefc words, By 15, which the world ii. crucifiedto me, .434 I nto the world. It is taken from a doubleeffea , which Chrift, or thecrolfe of Chrift, wrought in hi.n:(for the words, J'i Zbywhich, may be referred to either indifferently.) The firft,to be crucified to tl be world : the fecond, the world tobe crrscißed tohim. By the rierldd we arenot 9 a to vnderftand the frame of heauen andeaith,nor the creatures, 1 s, or mankind : but honour, riches; pleafures, fauour, wildorne, glorie:and whatfoeuer is oppofed to theking-dome of Chrift, and the new creature. To be crucified to the world , is to be dead veto it,to defpife andcontemne it, to count all the glorieof it 2 to benobetter then longue, in refpet of Chrift and his ugh- teoufnes,as Paul did, Phil. 3. S. The world is laid to be crsresßrd tovs, when it hates andperfecutes vs , and accounts vs the filth & the off fcouringofall things. i,Cor, 4.. a 3. Yet here obi-erne Ithat we are crucified to. the World, and the world to vs, by the ;s vertueofthe death of Chrift, after a different manner. We arc crucified to theworld,properly by the fpirit ofChrift,weanifg our affeaiors from the lone of this world, The world is cruel fied to vs,by the death of Chrift,itr properly,and by accident, in that we are made fuelsas theworld cannot but hate-and'per- 35 fecuto : for Peeingweare made newcreatures , and chofenout oldie world, therefore theworld hatcth vs.-foh.15.19. Here we fee who thafe are thatcan trulyglory in the crofl'e ofChri(t,nantely thole that are dead to the world,8s the world to them : fuch as feele thepower of the fpirit ofChrift srucary- mg. ttek:->;