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the WI, to the Gaktigra. Chap.6. 633 ing the fiefh in them, with theafFeelions and lufls. Others, can nomore gloryof the croffe ofChrift, then he that glories of theviftoriewhichhis Prince hath?..otti oucrhis enemies , him. Idle in the arcane time beefing a vaitall,and flaue onto them. Secondly , that it is not fufficient for a Chriffian , that the world is crOcified to. him, except he allo be crucified to the world , neither lotting theworld,nor the things in the world. Thirdly, that to be crucified to the worldos not to profefre tnonafficall hfe, and to be Phut vp in a Monaflery : but to re. notince theworld,and thecorruptions that are thereitoboth affeetion ofhart, and praaife of life. Fourthly,we are taught to carrieour fillies to the world, as. crucified and dead men , not to louenor like it, to lecke or at-- tea it,but to renounce and. forfake it, withail the vanitico,de- lights,andpleafures thereofiand tobeas deadmen to our own wicked wils,and to our carnal! reafon, Petting them liedead in vs,and fuffcring our (clues tobe ruled,ordered,and guided by the fpirit ofGod:nsakinghis will our will, his word ourwife- dome. Fiftly, by this we may examine our hearts, rot if wehaue ouraffeetrons glued to the world, and let vpon the honours, pleafures, profits , and preferments thereof, we are world:, lings ideed:for they that areChrifls are crucified with GaL2.2o.and haue crucified the fieflowith the aficortions and furls. Gal. v.24. andtherefore mull needs be crucified to the world.Aman that is hanged vpon a gybber, ceafeth frown his thefts and murders:So all7that are indeed crucified with Chrift to the world,ceare fronotheir old offences . For as theApollle reafonetloifwe be rifen with aria , we ought to fèeke the things that areaboue,& not the things that are vpon theearth. So ifwe be dead with Chrifi from the vanities of the world,weought as dead men to abflaine from all worldly lufts,whichfightagainfl the foule. I .Pet ye 15. For in Chnit 'tins nei, ther arcumcifioavaileth any thing, norvnarcumcdion, butanew crea, ture. 5 Io X5 30 TY3;Y 3 Here