634 Chap.6. AConoggentarie tiles Here the Apoftle prooues his former affertion,v.4. that he neither did , nor ought to glorie in any thing , lane in the croire ofChrift , becaufe nothing is -of any account in the kingdome of God,but anewe creature. And this he prooues by theremoouall of all thofe things ,that arc either oppofite to, 1, or diners from a newe creature,fignified by circantcifiánand vn- circunacigon.Andwithal' he laies downe twoconclufions. The fini is,that inChriil efitt,that is,in thekingdome ofgrace , nei- thercircioncifion,nor vmcirennecilionareany thins, that is , are nei- ther acceptable to God , nor auaileable to faluation: Vnder te, thefe two,fynecdochicallycomprchending all Outward prmi., ledges , and prcrogatiues dignities and r egalities, or yvhatto- euercanbe named: vnder circtormsfion comprifing the prehe- minence of the Icwe,andthe profit ofcircumcifion,whalicnhedwihaes' uch euery way.Rona.3. feeing that to thew appert Is adoption , and thelloty , and the cotenant ,and theswing ofthe Lawe,and thefirtesee God,and theprmiles.Rom,944. Vnder circienocilion containing the Gentiles , with all their wealth, wif- dome,firength,lawes, pollicie , and whatfocuer is of high ac- count,and glorious in the tiesofthe world. All whichhe ex- 29 dudes and accounts as nothing in ref-pc& of regeneration. For that which it hig0acconntea ofatnang174C4, is d*waiplation In the.- sght ofGod.Luk.16.1 5.Thcreforewacdome,wealth, firength,are nothing. i. Cor.r.26. Outward callings,as to be King or Kzfar, Prophet or Apofile. Outward aftions of fa. 2Ç íhng.alrnes,praicr. Nay,kindred and alliance, as to be mother or brother of Chrift,is nothing: for ifthe Welled virgine had not borne Chill iiihcr heart, as file did in her wernbe , fbe fhould neuer haw, beetle fined .Luk. 1. 27,28.& if his kif- men had not beetle his brethren be fpirituall adoption, as well W as by naturali propagation, they fliould haue had no inheri . tance in the kingdome of God. Mark. 3. 33, 35. Nay, the outward element ofbaptifine, without the inward grace, is of no force; for it is not thewaAing ateal of thefilth ofihe tqe.A (that is acceptable to God) but the fitpdation of a good'co.nfi ienee, which maketh requefit woo ec4 1.Pet. 2t. and ifthecommu- nicant at the Lords table,doe not eate panem`Donting as well as potemTformini (as .Augttlitne fpeaketh) that is, ifbedoe not re- ceitte aria fpiritually by the hand of his faith , as he cloth:, corporally receiue the clement by bodely hattd,hereceilieds' vnwor.