/vnworthily,andfô eatethanddrinkvb bit manse indgetwent.t.Cor.\ It. 29. Now thercafou why thefeoutward things are nothing availeable, is, becaufe the things that are, accounted of with. God, are fpirituall andcrernall,not temporall and carnal!, at y thcfe are : whichas they !hall welly cute in the kingdome of iii willput dowseall ritle,autbc., 1 gloly,Matth.2 2. 30.(for tbenOr ritie,andporrer. 1. Cor 15. 24.), fo arc theynot of anymoment or account in thekingdomeofgrace, as Paul teacheth. 2. Cor. y.16. Gal. 3. 28,Coloff. 3. t f.lt maybefaicl,thefe priudedges- Io aridoutward things, as Prince,andpeople; Mafler,and feruant: boncl,ancifree,8cc. haue place in the kingdorneof grace, kern& Chrifbanity doth not Aloha) nature , nor dui!! pollicy . T o,, which I anfwer, that man mutt beconfidered two wales, in re- fpc&ofthe.outward,,or inwardman. Confider him as he is a, i5 member, in ciuill fociety, as ofthe family,church,or common- wealth: there arefundry differences ofperfons, as bond, free i. magiffrate,fubica;pore, rich : &c. in which fente the Apoft. exhortation taketh place, iris,;, fubmit your frinet toyour has.C. band,. Coloir. 3. 1 8.. children, obeyyour parents, y. 20. firuirgrr,. 02 be obedient repair mailers .v. 22. But ifman be confidered in re- fpe&ofhis fpirituall eflate, as he is a member of the 'mud:We,. or catholique church, virder fpirituall gouernement,confifling in righteonfires, peace ofconlijenteandioy, in :be bolyGb,:".!-. Rom. 14. 17. there is nodifimaionof calling, condition, or 15 for we are all on in ()rig. Gal. 3. 28. or Chrili isallandin all-, things. Cololl: 3. t Lin that thoughwe be many, yet arc we-1 but one body in Chrifi. Rom. i 2. S. feeingwe are quickned with one fpirit. Eph. 4. 4.. The Popifb opinion therefore which teacheth that there be tome outward callings and aCti- lo ens which commendvs toGod, as to lead a ;,finglelite, to fail,. tovow voluntary pouerty, to performe regular obedience , to-- profelre monkery, tobe buried in a friers coWle, or to abflaine fromthefeand theremutes , is here condemned , when Paul faith, that outward priuiledges will not feriae the turne,and than meate commendethvs not toGod i . Cor. 8. 8. Againe, neither this nor the like places Gat. 3. 2a. Col. 3. 1 i . do any thingfauour the Anabaptiflicall fancy,:ofbringing inan anarchie, that is, an ataxy into Chriflian fociety ;; by ta- kingaway chrillian magifirates, and diflinftion betwixt- mar- fter and feruant: for by the fame reyformemay, confound the.- _ theEpifite to the galatiaits. Chap.& 63- I fe 3.3/4