Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

636 Chap.6. 4Cotonnentartevox fore of man and woman,for Paul faith, there is neitherox deno) feM4Ile but weare aIlon (krill, the meaning thereof is this, that although in refpeEt ofour inward or fpirituall eflate be- foreGod, there be no fuch difference : yet that hindreth not but theremaybe in refpat ofour outward eflate. Further, we learne from hence , that no man is to thinke highly ofhimfelfe in regard ofoutWard priuiledges, as birth honour, welch , fauour , nor to If/ themier.9. 23. rich men muff not be high minded. 1. Tim. 6. z 7. Nay, theKin.. may not lift vp his mind abouc his brethren. Dent. 17. to! to T41& exampleis notable, who accounted all the priudedges which he had beforehis conucrfion, vvhilff hewas a kw , (as that he was a citizen offirse, a Pharife , a great Rabbin , in- firuaed by Ganwiltd, ofthe tribe ofBeniamin, circumcifed the 8,day &c.)andafter his conuerfion becinga chriflian (as that Iç he was an ApoIlle, taken vp intothe 3. heauen &c.) tobeas nothing, or wotfe then nothing, euen as lop or einnoe inrefpea ofbeeing anew creature in Chriff,that is,inrefpctfofiuflifica- don , and fanilification . And therefore we may not fet our minds to muchvpon outward things, asriches, honours, plea- 20 Cures : tieing they arenot auaylable to faluation. Befids, this teachethall thole that are but inmeane and bale eflate, to be content : foroutwardprihiledges auaile nothing : outwardwants and miferies, hineer nothing.Ifa man be rich, he is nothing nearer, and if hel:e poore, he is not a Whitt 23 the furtheroff: it is the poucrty of the ipirit , which makes a man rich in grace : for though thepar=man be the richmans flaue, yet he is the fonne ofGod, and fellow heyre withChrifi: and though the rich man be the poore mans maller,yet he is the feruant ofChrift,as Paul faith he that is called beet a fer- 3, now is gods free. man : andhe that is calledGeeingfree, is Chriji feruant. x.Cor. 7. 22. Laftly, this croffeth the opinionofthe multitude,vvho think that ifa man be increafed in riches, graced with fauour,acluan- cecl withhonour, that he is agodly, wife, religious man; and 35 that religion mhichheprofeffith,is the truth. This is nothing els but tohaste thePith cfour Lordlefts: Chrift in refpeël ofper- fons.lam.z.r. The fecondconcha's' is , that the new creatureis theonely thing that isacceptable to God. Cirete11401, tl..c..ettetileth 'king,