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the Epi/lleto the Galatians. Chap.6. thing, hait anewcreature. By the new creature, the Apoflle vn derttandeth the image of God , or rcnouationof the whole man,both in the (pintsof our minds , and in the affections of our hearts,which is al(ò called thenewman. We (hall the better S conceiue it by the contrarie, namely, by the old man; which is want of knowledge in the minde , anddelight in ignorance : want of fubiettion and conformitie in the will , an, rebellion withal!: want of holìnes in the affcttions, and proncnes to e- uill. Thenewman then, is the retloringofall there defefts. For 'to the vndertlanding hereof, confider , that there are three things in the foule. The fubtlance of the foule : thefaculties, or pow- ersofthe foule : and the qualities of thefe faculties. Now nei- ther the fubllance nor faculties are loft by the fall, but onely the qualities of the faculties: as when an infirument is out of ?.s tune, the fault is not in the tubflance of the inthrument , nor in the tound,but in the_di(proportion,or larre in the fonnchthere- fore the qualities onely are renewed by grace. Thefe qualities or habits, are either in the Vnderflanding : or will and afeeti- ons. The quolitie in thevnderflanding, is knoxrleclpe. Coloff.; . 2.0 t o. 7e haseprit on the newman ,which ad renewedin ,l nowleeke,af- 2 ter the imageofhim that createdhim. In thewill and af"reíions, they are principally two, righteoufnes, and ho/ire;, bothwhich arc in truthand fynceritie,without all hypocrifie. Eph. 4. 24. Tut on thenewman,whiebafter Goa' createdin rigfsteoufnes,and 25 true dolines : where holines,and righteoerfnes,areoppofed tocon. cupifcences,and lullsofthe oldman: Trtath(which bath relati- on toboth)to (piritual guile, and diílimulation : fo that each oft therequalities, haue twoparts, awant ofthe contrarie euill,and a poftinequalitieor -habit ofgoodnes. Holines refpetteth god, 30 and containeth all duties of pietie, contained in the firfl table: Rsghteoufi:es, rcfpeAs man, and the creatures, and comprifeth all the duties eni,oyned in the fecond table. Truth refpeCeth the manner how both the formerare to be pralli ,d , viz. with anvpright and fincere heart, free fromall hypocrifie and de- 3S ceit. There three making a perle& harmonic in all the faculties of the foule: Holines performing all the duties of pietie : righte. aulnes the dutiesofhumanitie: truth teafoningboth the former with finceritie. But (may lime fay) how is the new creature oppofed toall external) things , or Paid to be ofany force in the kingdome of Zzzz r Chriff, 637