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Chap. z-. .¢Commeatarie upon Gods worfhip,whereas nowe inthe neweteflament, all religi- ous chi-line-bon ofplaces is abohihed, r.Tim.2.8.Lift vp pure hands inreryplacevino God.Somealleadge,thatvows, which werenot commanded,wcreneuerthelefre parts of Gods wor- fhip,among the Iewes.I anfwerahough men werenot comma- 9 ded to vowe,yet the matter and forme ofvoweswas cowman. ded.And in that God commanded the manner ofvowing, he allowed the aE3e ofvawe- making:let the Papifls fhcw the like allowance for their pilgrimage.The fecondreatan is, becaufe popifhpilgrimage, is not to bluing men, but to the Reliques r and imagesofdeadmen:which kindof peregrination, was ne- uer vfed in theworld,till after the Apofllcs dales . For pilgri. mage to reliques,came in,3oo. yeares after Christ, and pilgri- mage to Images,after 600.yeares. In that Paul goes about ro vifit Peter , thePapifis gather the 1.5 Primacie ofPcter,ouer all theApofiles,butfalfely.For this vifi- tation argues rcuerence:and reuerenceis giucn , not onely to fuperious,but allo to equalls.Againe,primacie is twofold: Tri- snacle oforder,and Primacieofpover. Primacieoforder, was due vivo Peter,in that he was firfl called to be anApoflle , and he 20 was in the- faithbefore Paul.And in this regard,he-was reuere-- ccdof him. The third point is,that Paul ..bides with Peterat Icrufalem; and that fifteens daics.His abode withPeter, was in token of mutuall confent,and fellowfhip.Like fhould be the content of 25 the Miniflersofthe Gofpell. For their office is topublifh and perfwade peace betweene God and men , towhich they are vnfit,that cannot maintaine peaceamong theinfelucs . And all belecuers fhouldbe of one minds, fpeakingand thinking the fame things:and this cannot be , vnlrfre there be a content of 30 them that are guides. This content therefore is to bemaintai- ned,andgreatly to be praied for. And when there cannot-be content ofiudgement,byreafon ofhumane frailtie,yet fo long as the foundation is maintaincd,thcre muff be coulent in affe- elion.And injuries offered,may not dill-blue this bond.Though 35, theChurch of Ierufalem fufpcE3ed Paul, and wouldnotat the firfl acknowledge him.for a Difciple, AO. 9. 26. yct did he for bis part,accept oftheir loue, and fellowfhip. IWhereas he addes,that his abode with Peter was but for 15. dales: hereby he fignifics that he learned not the Gafpell of him: