633 Chap.6. ACommentarievpoti Chriff, feeing it is not auaileable to iufbfie a manbefore God, beeing !Lined with manifold imperfations t For anfwer whereof, we are to know , that outward things are (omen= oppofed toChrifi,and his rightoufnes,as Coloff. 3.1r. There is neither len,,nor Grecian,circiimcilion nor viicirciimcifiais,&o. 1st 5 Chrtill is all,and allthings. fometime to faith, as Gal.5.6. Nei- ther circitinci(ion anailethany thing, nor vncircuriocifion , till faith svbich worketh by loise. fometime to the new creature or fanatfi- cation, as in this place, and a.Cor.7.29. Circsincilion is nothing, dt.-c. but the keepingof the commandements ofgod. But the(elite io iS 211 one, for they areoppofed to Chrifl,as to the matter ofour iunification: to faithas to the infirtunent apprehending it: to thenew creature, as to the figne ofthcrn both. Further, whereas both. here,and Cor.5. 17. the imageof I god is called a new crewnrc, (or 23 it is in the originat[v.al a nett, creation) theMeaning is not,that either the fubflance, or j faculties of the foule arc created a new ; but that the worke of regeneration is wholly to be afcribed to God alone (not as thoughwe were flocks or (tones without life or motion)but beeaufe God cloth create dick new qualities in vs , quickning ' io vs when we were dead in Fame , and working in vs both the ' will, and the deede.Philip. a.i 3. If regeneration then be a nen, creation ,it muff needes fol- low, that before our cannerfion we were not one!y dead, but euen flat nothing,in godlines,andgrace. By which we fee what 25 to judge of the Semi-pelagian heretic , which teacheth , that a man by an internumprincipiann,tnay difpofehimfelfe to willthat I which is truly good : and that mar, is notflorke, deed in finne, but onely tick: or wounded and halfe a'eed, as the man which fell among themes, Luk. i o. or as a prifoner that is (hackled 30 And manackled, whocan walke of hirrifelfe, ifhis fettersbe ta- ken from him: fo vve(ifChrift loofe the chaises of onr fumes) haue power °four (clues to rnooue our felues. Whichdoítrine we know is moil iniurious to the mercieofGod,and moli de- rogatorie to the merits of (Thrift , (icing it makes him in the 35 works of our faluation , to be but cals.la rernovenpprobihens, which ( as Logicians teach) is but caula fineIA non , which in truth is no caufeat all. So that theymake thernftlues their own Sauiours, and Chrill tobe but an infirument whereby they fauc thernfelues : for ifhe doehutrensooue the impedimenti they . without any more adoe, are able to auntieandal them.