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the Epj1e is theGalatiaatt. Chap.6. (clues. When as the conuerfion ofa fnner is as great aworke as the creationof heauen and earth : for Paul callcth it herea new creation. Nay,here is agreater power required(ifI may fo fpeake) then that whereby the worldwascreated. For though 4 an infinite power be required as well to the creatingof the great world, as the recreating or regenerating of the letTe world, as our Sauiour Chrift fgnifies,Mark. 2.9. Whetherit it eater tofa, to thefide sfthe paps, Thyfines arefirgissex thee , er tofay,Ari,!e,take vp thybedandwalk,: yet the holyGhofl fee- ¡o wcth,of the two, to make it more dif&cult,to create a newhart, then anewworld,in that fpeakingofthecreationof the world, he faith it was made by theword of God , By the wordof the Lordweretbeheartens made. Pfal. 33. 6. or byhis fingers , when 1 confider the heavens, the werkes of thy fingers. Pfal. 8. 3. or 5 by his handes . Pfalm. 102.25. The heamens are the wakes of thyhindi. But the redemptionof man,and the conuerfionofa finner, is laid tobe wrought by thearmeof god. Marie in her UWagnificat, faith,He bath(hewedflrengthwithhisarme. Luk.2. 5r . nay, he was faine to fct his fide to it, and it made him flied -so manya teare,and fweat asit were dropsof blood, trickbng down to thegroom?. Luk. 22.44. Beforeour conuerfion, we are hice the drie bones, Ezek. 37. for as when the windeof God came vpon them, bene came to bone,and were ioyned with fincws, and couered with flefh, and had theirfinks reamed : fo when i5 thefpirit of God, like the fauonian winde, bloweth vpon vs, it reuiueth vs againe ; gluingvs anew life, new fcnfes, a new heart, new wills,andaffeftions: for alothil d ngspaffe away, and all things become new. 2. Cor. 5. 17. For it openeth the eyes of our vnderftanding,makingvsdifcerneof things that diffcr.E- 3o ph. I . 1 it boareth a new careofobedience invs, Pfal.4o. 6. and giuethvs a new tall, not to fauour the things of theflefh,but of the fpirit.Rom.8.5. Further, this (trues to deteft the natural! Peperie of the multitude, andof our owne hearts, when we perfwade our 35 felues(though fallely)that thoughwe goeon in our finnes, yet that we can repent when we lift. Whenas the Prophet faith, O Lord, l know that the way ofman isnot inhimfelfe:andPaul faith, rere n 1o.= ;. that it is as great a worke to create anew heart , nic as create a `d d°verbei` rnri ta new world: for regeneration is aXfm creation. 2.Cor.5.17. An- nend.:bic F«- gn/line faith well, He that will grant pardon tohim that repents, P'0ke'l- Z z z z 2 railï 639