640 Chap.6. &et' Commentarienot Qioti anti- yguifEcituna. will net aloftygisesrepentance tohim that finites. Againe, in the fente that Nu/ calleth the image ai God,o slew creature, or the new man , and cerruptien the oldman : we graunt,that our religion is new, andPapa religion is old. For as the newmen,is the reamed image or God, in which Ad- am was firft created, though afterwardsdefaced by his etviieMotels,. lions : Eccles. 7.3 t . Soour religionis the retiored or reformed doartne fiat taught by the Apotiles , which afterward was corrupted by Incas deuices. Albeit, inTertollieper fade, ours is theaid reinnon and theirs the new e as the imae.e ofGod is the e} old inan,and corruption the new. Vie. Uwe be no: changed in our hues, but remyane old A- datns III1J, euen the fame men wewere before, in minding ,vvil- ling,affeeting earthly things, and fafhioning our felues to the guere oldieworld; we ate no new creatures , though we pro- el miteand prat&miler fo much: we are but hypocrites,,decea- uingothers, and our films aifo. For where this new creature is, there is a change in all the facultiesand powers offoule and. body: the mind is not fetepan theworld,but inindeth hcaucn- ly things : thewill, affedions, and conuerfation of the whole ao man, is in heauen. Philip. 3. ao. For the444 ofregeneration is like the leaner) which a woman tool-4 and hid in 3. peeks of "male till all was leauened : for after the fame manner, by a fe- cret operation it altered) the mind, will, affalions. It aey te' Che4 (faith the Apotile) be is a newcreature , things are 24 paged away, behold, all thingsare &Tome newt. If thereforewe be new creaturcs,why lead we not a new life i ifwe be changed in affeftion,why are we not changed in conueefation? But by this we may perceiue that all which are chriflians in prorefilfe,n, are not chtillians inconuerfation: all thatare warn- 3o cd with the outward Element ofwater, arc not waived with the inward baptifine, the lauer ofregenerati5: as firti,thofe that are as-good fellowes(that is, as badde) as euer they were before, andmake noconfcit7ce of finne, Secondly, facia as areno more but ciuill onetimen, like thofe lion&women which ray fed 3.1 perfecution againif Paul and 13.27.11Z1034, and-expelled themont of their coatis. Aft..r 3. 5o. Thirdly, worldly wife men which fauour ofnothingbutthe world . LaIHy, fuch as haue fame loue and likingofthe word, and are in. fame fort outwardly conformable. thereunto, haning fame leg rrow for finne antin,