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ao the Epiflis to the .r.yaktirnt. Chap.6. 641 wiling from legal) terrors : but haue no thorovve change nor renouatiort. 1 Laflly,wc maynot maruell ifthe world hate & maligne thole; that are new -creatures: teeing they neither mind nor affeet the, fame things. For there canbeno true loue, where there is con - ' trarietie ofiudgements, wills, afieéhons, which ]lath beene,is, and wit be, betwixt thofc that are borne of the flefn, and there that are borneof God. Gen. 3. t 5. V. 16. And as many as walke according to this rule, peace hall T " bevpon teem, andmercy, and iron the Ifael ofGod. Here Paul commends this glorying in the croffe of Chrif}, and (ludic of pietist, in becomm ing a new creature , as the i. onel), rule of faith and rra :lners,whichall teachers and bearers,' were toobkrue,and follow : Enforcing the keeping and ob- I 02 fettlingof this double dutie,by the fruit and benefit that cornes thereby, fpecificd here bypace and mercy. In the words two, things are generally to be confidered : Firll, the duty of wal. king, in there words, eels ?all as waike ,lccor.ling to this r,-i/g: Secondly, the reafon or momie to the praCtize thereof, in 25 there, Puce [bill' 1,e vpo» thewa dmercy : which is aniplifed by 1 the generalitie thereof, that is,(hall light eponof "baby as walke according thereto, and vpon the ¡j4e1ofGoti. Thedutie is, that we Wal ke according to this canon,or rule: the word tranflated ososx.A I wake, fignifiethnot limply to walke, but to walke warily and 3o circumfpealy (as it is expounded Eph. 5. T 5.) or to walke by rule,in order, and meafure,without treading aride, but making f}rai ht reps toour fente. Hebr. r 2. 1 3. Paull rule which we muff walke by, isfaith in Chrilt, called here glorying in the crofTe o`Chrift : & repentance towards God : called reg ne- 3 5 ratíon,or the new creature : which is rightly called a rule cf fairh,and manners, ofthings to be beleeued; and pranifed, be- caufe by it all dos1rines and aelions, are to beexamined : nay, the Scripture is therefore called Canonical)', beam-ire it fettes dovvnean expofitionof this rule: there beeinó nothing from the firft chap in Gen. to the lafl words in the ApocaI. which Zzz z 3 aimet ' a.