642 ( Chap.6. -- .>i Cenoment críe viven aimethnot at one ofthefe two, either repentance towars God erfaith inChid Here all minifUers arc taught what rule to follow in preach- ing theword, orbuilding the churchofGod , namely faith,& repentance, thedoftrineofthecrofTe, and conucrfion, or the ' S new creature. Andall hearers according to what rule to order their hues andanions. For this metaphor ofwalking, and that by a ruleor line, íhewes that we are trauellers or pilgrimmes, that this world is a firange countrey, that we are togon to an- other, that the world is an endles labyrinth, in which we dhall r for euer lofe our fillies, except webe guidedby this rule. Andhere we fee that there is a certen rule for the regulating ofall things apertaningto faitkand manners, though we can- not apply it norvfe it as we Lhould : The fault is in vs , not in the rule. r y WhereasPaul faith as many as walke according to this rate, he thews that Chriftians haue but on onely rule which theyare to follow,and according towhich they mull frame their lines; for theApoillc exhortes vs that we allproceede 6}on rule. Phil. ;.16. Therefore the Papifis doe notorioufly offend not only 20 towrefiing, preuert'sng. and breaking this rule, but in making other newLesbian rules, which theyprefcribe as ncceffarie to be followed : as the ruleofS. Francis, of S. Dominick. S. Au- (ten. S.Icrome &c. holding onmansbaptifrne better then ano- ther, on mansprofeffion holier then another , on mans rule 2y perfefter then another: following any rule rather then Chrifts, and fodiuide his feameles coate. And that there fundry rules ofMonks are vaineand wicked,itmay appeare, Fiat, becaufe they agreenot with this ruleofPaul, they becing many , it but on: it dircaing and leading to Chriff,they leading to by paths, 30 obfcuring themerit of Chrifi, and prefcribing many things partly frivolous, partly impious, contrary to faith and good life. Secondly, in that they agree not among, thenifelnes; cuery left hawing his own proper ordcrs,and contending theirovine to be better,hotier,perfefter then the reff.Thirdiy, in that they 3 5 divide into diuerfe lefts thole that ought tobe all on in Chrifi , forwhichcaufe Paul calles the Corinthians carnali,in houlding Come of Paul, others of Apollos , t. Cor. 3.'4. For how can theybe fpirituatl, who in fpeech , aftion , habitte and attire, profeflion and cation, prof-ere nothingbut fhifine and dìfTcu-