Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

I the EpiJtle to the Calatiarat. Chap.6. : diffention? lercmea;ainft the Luciferiansfaith, Sirubi audieris ear geti¿icunturChry`ii, non aToasaisro lefts Chrifio, (ed.(i gammas, alit) ntexcupari,ptita 4lzrctenitas, Palentinianot., Atlentenfet,Cat ,. pates,frito On cede/law Chrtffi, fed . ntichrifii of fe Synagagates. 5t that is wherfeeuer thenflalt 'mare ;hop thataire called Chr: tì asrs net tohaue their namefiBrIta ourLard lejit.r Chri1i, butfropri,ftine other, at Ma?rcianitet, Valenttntans, lMMor, c f's, Carxspatet, l wwwe shatmuch, that theysrenot the churchofChhrifi,but theSSnaogsue i ofAAtichriFJ. Nay further, foiìtary life in leaning the focistyof so men,andfequel ringthemfeluesfrom all company, which is 1 the ground, and get:erall praCtize olMonkitlt Erîrnitcs (for Coenobites to fpeake properly are no Monks as the word tcacheth) isagainfl the very light of-nature it idle . Firfll , be- caufe it is naturail for men to hue together.; nay it is the ground 15 ofthe family, the church,aetdcommon-wealth.Thercwas He- uer nation fo barbarous or fauagebut endeauourcd tohue to- gether by afl"ociating thenifclues, in, cities , townes , villages, caucs, woods, tents, or Comeother way, according to the cuf tome of the countrey : which generali praaife of all, argues so the imprefliion ofnature iin all. Secondly, (peachis giucn men for this end that theymight conuerfe together: for it were little or nothing auaileable if men (Mould hue alone, and coruerfe' withnone. Thirdly, fundty venues bellowed upon men , as iuflice,fortitudc,loue, and frendíliip,fhould be giuenin vain: , t)5 if men fhould hue folitary, fequcfired from all company. Fourthly, mans imbecillity argues thus much; -for whereas all other creatures are armed bynature, as the Bull with bornes, the Boare with tuskes: other with teeth,fethers, ft'i`tncs&c.1 man is borne Feebleand naked, not able to prouide or defend 3o himfelfe,but only by }wipe ofethers, which is an argument that he isborne tohue in ciuill fociety, and tobeholpcn by o- thers. Laflly, man is borne todoe good tohimfdlfe and others, - in fomeeftate and calling. t. Cor.7. But he that l,ueth alone can doenagood toothers, nor rec.eiu.e goo'd,from theta :. For 3 5 whereas theyplead for themfelues that they kaue their parti> cular callings, andbetake themfelus:to .Armetagcs. that fo they way renounce theworld-. Ianfwer. thatao.renounce the world is not to kaue their places and callings:,. whereunto God bath leafed them, but to renounce- the terxuptien that, it ixt the rrv,* through 141. s, yet. r..+ `j'hefe and the hke rraffns made. the MI- 643