Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

644 Ariltot. Polit. tit. Leap.:. ifa tr.6. Chap.6. ACortintettt,arie vpoae Fhilofopher to fay, that he which left the focietieof men and betoolíe himfelfe toa folitary life, was either a God,or abead. By this wemay fee what Lesbian rules-they follow:and how that which they account the highcfl degreeofperfeulion, is in truth the depthofabomination : that it hathbreve the carafe of ç muchwickednes, as of idlenes, hypocrifie,whoredome, fodo- mitry, befides themelt mu. theringof many poore innocents. Thcrefòre let neither their hypocrifie,nor the churches preten- ded authoritie,nor the long receiued cuflom,any thingmoue vs, but that leaving them, we follow the rule of Paul in this to place : for they that walke according to it , peace 11all be wpm themewdmercie. By peace,we are to vndcrfland outward peace, as profperitie, and ÿood (ucceffe in all things we gee about. For whatfomer they doe, /bæ11pro ¡per. C?fal. r . ;. And peace with the creatures ; as firfi with the good Angels,ColofL i.20. who t S areminifiring f irits, tentforth torainier,for theirfakes that flaal be heiresof Palmation, Ebr. t. t4. pitching their tents a6otat them, peal. 3 4.7. andbearing thew its their hands as thenourfe her child. peal. 91. a a. Secondly, with thegodly. TheProphet faith that in the kingdomeof (Aria , the azolfefaa/l dwell trtth the lam6e, 2 the leopard ¡hall lie with the kidde, arc. that is, men offierce,fa., uagc,andwoluifh natures, flial be fò changed bygrace, as that they (hall liue peaceably and louingly together. Thirdly , with the wicked their enemies, partly becaufe they {eeke to hue in peace,as Dauid faith ofhirn(rlfc, llaWertrforpeace, F(l.i 2c.7. zS partly becaufe God fo inclines their hearts, as that they arc peaceable. Laflly , with the bcaft o`' theheld, and all thecrea- tures. 'The Lordprorniféth tomake a covenant with the wild beaths,and foules of the heaven, in behalfe of his people, that they may fleepe fafely. Haf.2. t 8. But thepeace which isprin. 30 cipally meant in this place, is peaceofconfcience which pa(leth all vnderftandrng.Pht1.4.7. Which is peace with God,becing reconciled and at one with him. Rom. S. T. 3'eeirrgiuf.tified by faith, we basepeace with god. And peace withour felues,which is three fold 2s it is oppo(ed to a threefold difiention inman. 31 The firf'x is, when the will and affef.&ions renewed bygrace,are obedient to the miede enlightened by the (OM , and at peace therewith: oppofed to the di(fention that is betwixt rebellious afffetîions , and naturall reatan. The fecond is , when grace i(though ffrongly af$ailed)giueth corruption the folic, where- , uon