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the E?fileto the Galatians.. upon followeth the calmingandquietingofthe mind, oppo- fed to thecombate betweene the fie(h and the fpirit. The third is, when the confcience perfwadedofremiflion offznnes , and reconciliation with God, ceafeth to accufe. and terrifie, and be- S ginnes to excufe, and comfort vs: oppáfed to the conflicts that a di(frefl'edconfciencehath with legal] terrours, and the anger ofGod. Bymercy (which is the caufe ofthis peace) arevnder- flood, all fpirituall bleffings,which flowuntovs from the loue, and fauour of God in Chri(f, as remiffion of fnnes, iulfíficatì- Ì-o on, fanetification, and eternall life it frife. Thewords fzr'cu7és, vpon them, haue great emphafis, fignifying, that their Wettings come downe from heauen , and light vpon them that follow this rule, and that they cannot he hindered by the malice of men. 5 Let the Pope then anathematize, curfe, and excommuni- cate vs, both Prince andpeople, becaufe we tread not in the Tfepsofhis faith,but ofthe faithof our father Abraham , and walke not according tohis rule, but according to this rule of the Apoffle:lor we neednot(care his thunderbolts,nor curies, 20 feeingthecaufelee curfeTha!lneuer come. Pro. 26. 2. for what though he curfe, ifGoddoeblefl'c ?It was the thing that com- forted Dauid beeing curledofhis enemies, in that though they did curfe, yet Godwoa,lei blefje. Pfal. t og. 28. and let vs comfort our felues in this, that he willcurfe them that curfe hit people. g5 Gen. r 2. 3. Againe, if peaceand mercy Thal bevpon them that walke accordingto this rule, then wrath and indignation fhall light vpoca thole that followany other rule,or deuife any other way, or Pet downe any other meanesof faluation besides, or contra- 3.o ry to this. Falktherefore is theopinion ofPuckfius , that if a man lead anoutward tiuil life, he may be faced in anyreligion, the Iewein his Iudaifine, the Turke in his Mahometifine, the Heathen in his Paganiftne. For they that walkenot in this way, according to this rule, doe but weary themfelues in endleffe 3 5 Labyrinths: and towalking without line or rule in their crooked wages,jball be led withworker. of iniyuitie , whenatpeacefhallbe vpon lfr4e1. Pfal. i25. i. Other vies are made of mercy and peace, .Pam. t I .and t which places T referre the reader. TheApoffle addeth, that peace andmercy Thal be vpon all them that walke according to this rule, and vpon the lfrael of Aaaaa z God. Chap.6.1 64y !