Ì 646 ''Cha0.6. .1edmrr,eattarirvoxi god. There is a doble Ifr.ae!l mentioned by Paul. Ifraell weer- twig to the.j3-jh, r. Cor. io. r 8. and the Ifraell ófçod: as there is a twofold Iewe, one outward, in the flcft : another inward,. in the fpirit Rom:z.28, 29. By the Ifraell ofGod, the Apofile mcattrth all fuck as are like toNathaniel', who wasa true lfra- eli-te,in n4)ame there was no guile. Iob. r. 47. whether they be the faithful' Gentiles, or bclecuing !ewes. And he makes men - tion ofthe lfracll ofGod, partly by rcafon of the aduerfaries, who bragged fo muchof their father Abraham, and that they were the only true Ifraelites,and yet were noe Ifraelites becaufe they troade not in the Reps ofthe faithof Abraham: partly for the .cake conucrts,who thought it a hard thing to be feuered from the focietyofthofe, towhome the promîtes were made: partly for vs Gentiles, that wemight know that allare not? /ra- ell, whichare of.0444Rom. g. 6. but that all they which areof Nth arc [Airedwith faithful' Abraham. Gal. 3.9. feeing that God is no accepterofperlons Afì. t o. ;q.. V- 17. From hence forth let no man put me to butines : for I beare inmy body the marges of the Lord Iefus. Here the Apolllc laies downehis lall admonition, preuen- ting an obieaion that might be made by the falfe Apostles, or theGalatians. For whereas it might be faid,that Paul fought hiwfelfe,and the world, fhunned perfecution, and therefore ioyned circurncifion toChrill to pleafe the Iewes, and follow- ed not his owne rulev. r 6. he takes away this obicRion with great authoritic,when he faith, from hence .forth let no man put me to bmvjZ et, And withal' he arides a reafon of it,for I Beare in my bedi:- the marker oftbe LordIrfn: as if he f,ould taie, The bonds, the imprifonments, the (tripes, wounds, and (carres in my bodie, doe fiiffiiciently teflific my fidelitic in myminiflerie, for if I had preached circumcifion I fhould not haue fuffered perfecution. Thewords may be and arctaken in a doble fenfe. FUG thus, The falfe Apoll. and you Galatians (by their Miti- gation) haue been{ troblcfome unto nie, by tattle accufations and fcanderous imputations, as that I taught circumcifion and the S 110 re 20 2; 3m 3I