the Epifle te the Ça!airanr. Chap.6 647 the obferuatiöof the ceremonial! Lawe as a thingnecefrarie to faluation, and foyouhaue made a rcuolt from my doctrine,& by that meanes hauc dobledand tripled my labour and paints i among you : But fromhence forth ceafc tobe troblcfome vim) s me, you may take experiment and proofe from tue ; the marks that I beare inmybody doe fufficientdy witnefTe and Peale the truthof mydoetrtne, and my fidelitie inmyne Apofflclhip, as allo whole drfciple I am, Mofes or Chrifls, andwhat rule I fol- low, Iudaifineor Chritlianitmc. Secondly, they cary this fente, ao'. I haue fáyd, that they whichvralke according to this rule , in glorying onely in the crofre ofChrifl,peacejZ'411be upon them, a4dmercy, and vponthe lfraelofGed; And I fay againe and a- gaine,thatwe ought to ftriue and contend for it, to obfcrue& kecpe it,as a thingmoll neccfraric to faluation Totors,as for o- r115 things not necefrary to faluation, as circumcifion &c. Let no ti man troblemein the execution of mine Apoftolicail funfìion, or hinder the comic of theGofpell, byvrging any other doe- tineor ceremony contrary or diuerfè from this, as necefrary to faluation :This one thing is neccflaric, other things are needles so and fruitles in comparifon, therefore neither I, nor the church ofGod ought tobe trobled with them. This latter fenfe I take to bemore agecablc to the text. Some make the fenfe to be this, I haue had many nobles and confli ts; and haue many markes and (cartes inmybody inflicted byperfecutours: ther- 5 fore be no more troblefome vnto me : for it were to much to addwormewood to my gale, afietion toafl:fìion. Here we fe the condition ofthc Apof%le, and the elate of all faith 'tall miniflers;that it is full oftroble and moleflations. For as they are accounted menofturbulent fpirits, difnuicters ofthe (late, 3.o as Elias was t. King. c r. and leremie, chap. r 5. 18. and Paul, Mt. 16. co. & 21. 28. So they aremoil trobled with faétious oppofers and falle teachers , who labour to bring into the church things partly needles and fuperfluous,partly hurtfull & pernicious . Thus the falte Apo(l. trobled the paflors and 35 church ofGalatia. Gal. 5. 1 o. and the churches of Antio- chia, Syria, Cilicia, Aët, 15. 24. Secondly, confider how that the moil and greatetl trobles of thechurch bane beetle for matters not of fubtiance , but of circumflance,partly not necefrarie, partly contrarie to the rule: whichnotwithflanding haue binurged with fireand fagot, as Aaaaa z things