643 !AIL :o. 4t. rs--17,,ux-rt!. vi ie Lip(ìum -de militi 'l lìc.- bIIln3,'.iD. I. dialogo g. _A Consmentarie Jp n things moil ¡ c (aarre. LàlIìy, he that floods forth for thedefence ofGodstruth(as ,Paul did, and all Iwlinifters ought to doe)mufl let goe all tir curnftatrces, and looke to the fubffance. Not with 1Ltartha to trouble himfclfe about many necdclefTe things, when as one thing ()tidy is neceffarie. The reafo-n ro!(oweth in- tlrerewords: For .1destreirrnydodie the markes ofthe Lord1ejtgs. The word in the Original tranflated PnarkZPs, doth proper- ly fignific prints with a hot yron. But it is here vied generally to to fignt.fie, any b!emlfh,skarre,or make whatfocuer, whether (rich as was wont to be fet vpon fèruants bought with money (which among the loveswas a hole in the care pearced with a nauie. Exod. i r .6. Deut. 1 5.17.) or vpon (laces taken in the avortes , as the Samians fet vpon-an Athenian captive the figue 15 ofan owle: and the Athenians vpon I Sarnian the ligne of a (:nippe. Or vponmalcfa :ìours,as a hole in the care, an F in the forehead,,a brand in the hand.Or firth a mar ke,as foine t.hinke, was fet vpon Cain.Gen.4. r g. or the marke ofGocl.Ezek.9.4. ¡ or octhe beaft. Apot. t 6.z.. ¡ " Themarkes ofChrifl are ortwo forts, either itsw rdand in- atirble : or ootrrardan dvi bie. The fblemRak` s arc two.The firfl, is Godseternal! Elation, which is c;1',ed Gedsfealc or mark!. 2.Ti;lr. 2. 19.7-hefoundation-efc od remainethfiirc, and' hush thisfea:le,The LordkCnoweth who are his. All the Elea are 25 marked with this marke, Apoc. 7. and by it Chrift knoweth l and acknowledgeth them for bit fheepr. lob. to. The fecond, I is regencration,or the imprinting of the defaced imageofGod in the foule. By this marke(which is the true indeleble c!araFler, I fneuer tobe blotted out)areall beleeuers fealed. 2.Cor, r.2 2.E.! 9.o ph. r.13. Thera, inward i ui ble markes of Eleaion and Re- !generation, arc in the fòn!r , and Cher fore not here meant : for 'he fpeakes ofboch'y markes , beare in rny. badie the rnArke; -. Theoutward v,fble marks are twofold: Typ I/,ar t1l Tj- picall, as circumcifon, which wasa marke fit in the foreskin of 3,5 the flefh.Rom.4. t 1. The blood ok the Pafch:rl Iambe, where- with the houles of the lfraclites were marked , when the fiat borne of the /Egyptianswere flame by the deflroying Angel. And Baptifine is ofthe fame kind : for by Baptifmc Chrifhans . arediflinguiíhed from Icwes , Turkcs, Infidells whatfoeuer. Beals!