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the Epillle to the Galatians. 649 411 roar, es ofChrifl,are either in hisFTattarall, or in his ai;;yjYi- callbogie. In his ',atonal bodie, thewounds whichwere i iuen him in his hands, feete, and fides ; which he filmed e tohis Difr ciples after his refurrPEion.Ioh.2o.27. which whether they be 5 now to be feene in his glorified hodie(as formeaffirn.e)or abo. lifhed(as others,)I leauc to the Rcader,as a thingvncertctr,and rneerely conieeturalf , feeing there is.nothitig in Sctipture ei- ther for it, or againfc it, that cloth neceff"rily conclude it. But of thele markes, the ApoOle fpeaketh not in this place. The 4o markes inhismyflicall bode, a c thole, which are in his mein. bets, as tivounds,skar,rt:s,whipp:ngs, mainìedncs, &c. ofwhich we read 2.Cor.a. t c. Eatery wherewe bearer;bentin oz.° 'sale the dying ofthe Lrrel Iefh:J. and 2.Cor. t 1.24, 2 ç Fuse tine; recei,ted Ifw rtiif!r pesJaw one : I was thrift, beaten wit á reel es , once ,/o- 15 ned, Vic. And there the Apoflle here calleth the marksofChri,Ir, becaufe they are infliaed for the pr;fefEion oCC:;l-itiff, and the Golpel: as thewounds and"skarres ofa fouldier may be called his Princes woundes and skarres, becaufe they are hat' in his eau le and quarrel!. Now thole in his naturall bodie differ from to there inhis tnyflicall : >rfl, in that they are meritorious, for by hia firiper rve.are heald, t. Pet.2. 24.-f hefe in his my (Beall body areglorious in the fight ofgud(as the death ofhis Saints is;)yet not meritorious. Secondly, thole in his naturall badie,were propheciedofbefore in patticular.Pffl. a 2, t 6.7hey?carcedmy 2.5 hands and niyfern. 'Ìhete inhis riyfiicall bodie anely in gene- rail, that we fhould be conformable vnto him. In this place Tealfpeakethof the latter onely,which were in his ovum perron ; and this he Both, not to put any merit in the, as(S. Francis did)but to teflifie himfelf tobe a faithfuls(truant ÿo of Chrifl. And he further meeteth with the false Apoftles,vvho would needcs haue had the Galatians cireurncifed , thatfothey might glorie in the flefh;as hauing let the make of circumcifl- on in the foreskinof their flefh, As if he Ihould fay, I let not markes in other mens flefh, toglorie ofthem , as the falfe Apo. 35 files doe; but I beare about in my bodie the markes of the Lord Iefus, there are the fignes ofmine Apofllefhip, and ar- guments of fidelitie in my'Minifierie, which I fet not inother mens flea), but haue in mine ovine. Here we fee what we are to thinke , and what vfewe are to make of the wounds,skFrres,and-blemifhes, thatare in any of Aaaaa 3 the