65e) Chap.6. ACommeartarierspon theSaints for theprofeffionof the Gofpel,andmaintenance of the truth. Firft,that they are the fuffcrings, wounds, and marks ofChrif} himtfelfe (asPaul (earmcth them here, and Colofl. z. 24.) fceingthey are thewounds ofthe members of that bodie, whcrofhe is the head. Secondly,theyhaue this vfe,to conuince theconfciences ofperfecutors , and wicked men , that theyarc S the&ruants ofChrift, which fuller thus for righteoulñes fake, for which caufe they are here mentioned by Paul. Thushe prooues himfelfe to be a member of Chrift by the affiiftions whichhe fuffered for his fake. 2. Cor. re. Thirdly , if men be Io confiant in their profeffion namely in faith and obedience, they arebanners ofvictoric. Therefore no man ought tobe a- fh:amed of them, nomore then fouldiers of their wounds and skarres : but rather in a holy manner to glorieofthem as r'asil did. For as it is a glorie to a fouldier to haue receiuedmany wounds,and to hauemany skarres,in a good caufe,in his Prin- ces quarreil,and for thedefence of his. countrey : Sal it is a glo- rie for aChrifiian fouldier to haue the markes of the Lord Ie- fus inhis bodie, as ofwounds,fcourges, bonds, imprifonment, for the profeffionofthe truth.TherforcConfiant ine the great, 20 (as thePcclefiafticail.hifiorie records) killed the holes of the eyes ofcertaine Bithops, (which had them put out by the At- funs, for the confiant profeffion of the faithof Clirifi) retie- rcncingthe vertue oftheholy Ghoft which fhined in them. This makes iothing for thefraeres l«c/law es, a ho glorie 25 in the markeswhich they make in their Belli, bywhipping of themfelucs. For firf}, it is not thepunifhment(as Cyprsanfaith) but the caufe that makesa Martyr. Secondly, the mai ks which men fet vpon themfelues contrarie to the Law , Leuit. r S'. z8. arc not the markesofthe Lord tefu : but Chore onely which are 3® let vpon themby others,for the profeffionof the truth. Third. ly, this whippingand affiifting of themfelues, beeing but will- worfhip, in not fparingofthebodie,Coloil. 2. 2 a. is no better acceptedofGod,the the tuperflitious praftife ofBaals priefts, lancing themfelues with knives , till the blood gufhed out. t : 3,5 King.t?.z8. Againc, ifthis be the glorie ofa feruantofChrifi,and a note of confiant profeffion, what (hall we fay of them who haue not onely their confciences feared witha hot yron,but bydrin- king,whoring,rioting,óce. get themarkes ofBacchus and Ve. tins