mis in their bodies ? For if thofe be the markes ofCht`ill, thofe mull needes be the marks of Satan. Laflly, hence we arc taught a fpeciall dutie, and Chet is, to I fuffet bodilyaffhaion in the profé(Iion of the truth: & though 5 bondsand imprifonment abide vs in all pl 2ces, net to pal-lei-or them , fo that we may fulfill our courfe with ioy , according to Pauls example, both hcrc,and A61.2o. z 4. as altohis coinrna.n dement to Timothie, Side'r af/litlio r as afood fouldier of : ejrae Orig. z.Tim. z.?. The reafons are thefe.iitfl,by (offeringbo- lo delyJIMaion,we are tnud conformable vntoChrift, and ful- fill theref%oftheafif:ionsof Chriil in our Beal Colofl: r.z.,. Secondly,they teach vs to haue a fympathie and fellow f edin fr, ofthe miïeries of our brethren , to rerncmber thole that are_ in bonds, as though we were bound with their.,and thole that are 15 inaffliéiion, as though we alto were affii6ied in thebodie. E br.t 3.3.Thirdly, our panent induringofafltction, cloth not oncly lime as a prefidcnt and example to others to fuffer pati- ently, but alto is a notable mear:es to confitrne them in the truth.2.Cor.r.6.Piaihp. 1.14.La!liy,they fettle to Icourevs that so are earthly vefirls, from the ruff an' d filth of finnc, that cleaues fo fall vnto our nature. IS. Brethren , the grace of our Lord Iefas Chrií , be withyour fpi- rit, Amen. .Here, the Apoflle concludeshis epiflle with his vfuall fare- well commending theGalatians to the grace ofGod, & with- 3o ing vnto them all things appertaining tofpsrituall life 0gea'ltnes. t . Pet. t. 3. which hefignifieth here by grace. There is a two fold grace mentioned in Scripture, Gracewhich makes a man gratious or acceptable to God, /ratio gratin") facieni: and grace which is freely giuen, 'rati2gratis data. (7ratsdgralsoat, j 35 faelens, is the fauour and loue o'God, wherebyhe is well plea- fedwith his elect inChrifl, and this grace is in God hinifelf®', and noequaiitie infufed or inherent in vs : and it is tii u!y called thefrf1 grace, as beeing the caufe of all other fubfc (pent gra- ces. Gretiagrattsdata, is the free gift of God befloWed upon . men, whether natural!, or fupernaturall : naturali cythcr in the Elate 25