65Z Chap.6. 19Coariotentarie opon flare of ianacencie, before the fall, as original! ÌUflice,&c. or in the [late ofApoflafie, fince the fall, as the gift of illumination: Ioh. t. 9. and fuch like: Supernatural,cyther commongifts, as the gift ofmiracles, prophccying, tongues &c. or facing gra.. cos , as the grace ofelec`lion, effet}uall vocation , iuIhfication, 5 adoption , glorification , &c. all which are called the f ccnd grace, became theyflow from the firfl,as the firearm from the fountaine. Fetus Paul diftinguiihcth thena,Rorn.5. t 5. calling the former thegrace ofGod, the latter the gift bygrace . Nowe grace inthis place is not to be ref-trained onely to the benefit of t o our redemption ,as it is, 2. Cor . i 3. z 3. where the grace of Chrifl is diflinguifired from the loue of God , and communi- on of theI-1.Ghofl: but to be vnderfloodof thefauour & Joue ofGod, which is thefrf-gracc : andof the fauing grace ofre- generation, which is the f cond?race,er thegift bygrace. And it t s is called thegrace ofourLord lrf,<es ¿hrt37, fief!, brcaufehe is the fountaine ofit.,Ioh.:r. 16. ofbit Mines all we bane received, andgraceforgrace. Secondly, bccaufeheis the conduit or pipe, by which it is conuaicd veto vs. loh. T. T 7. Crate and truth cage b1 lefrrs ¿hrif: for he is our propitiatorby whome alone. 20 wereceiuegrace, that is,t ht Ñuour ofGod,and reconciliation: forgrace,that is, for the fauour and loue which God the father bare vetohis forme ; we becingacceptedof God, and beloved inhis beloved. Eph. r.6. Chrifl is further called [etir Lord]in flue refpeas. Firfl,by right ofcrcation.Ioh.i.3. !! things were made 25 byhim.Secondly,by right ofinheritance.Hcbr. 1.2. He is made heyreofallthings. Pfal. 2. 8.1willgive thee the Heathenforthin inheritance,and theender oftheearthfor thypefe/ on.Thirelly,by right of redemption. 1. Cor. 6. 2o..i care botght with aprete, which is neither filuer , nor gold, but theprctious blood of 30 Chrif}. t. Pct. i.18,r9.andthis he performedby a double right, namely, by right ofproprietie, as a King redeemes his fubiea.s, the mailer his feruants: or by right ofafnitie, as the father may redeemethe fonne,one brother an other , and onekinfinan an other. Fourthly,by right ofconquefl.Luk.i T.2t.Dvlsena [bang 3 3 man armedkeepeth hispalace,e-c.brit whena tirení:er then he corn- meth upon him, and onercommeth hin,, he t4Áethfromhim all his armorwherein he trnfed,anddinideth the f tilt. Laflly,by right of contra&and marriage. Hof.z. 16. Thou¡! air call rare I¡hi, and ,?,alt nst callare Baali. and v.19. lmillmarrie thee untomefore- I race