the Epi i'le ro the Galatians. Chap.6. der in riihteon/net, iudgemont,rnercy, andconpafow,1willmtrrie the 'onto me in faubfalnet, and thanfbalt knowthe Lord. The Apoflleproceeds and faith, the graceofour Lord It"- fusChint be withyour jptrits. For the better vnderf}andingof 's . whichplarafe, weare toknow, that Man conffl:eth of two cf- finnanparts , ()genie, and bodie. Fcclef i z.7. Dail(that is,the bodie) returner to the earti,,whenee it was taken:,anathe /pint re- turn: to god thatQaae it. Albeit the .Apoll lecis where deuideth ; man into three parts, f frit, Joule, and bodie , when he praieth emei s.s3. ji'o for the Theflalonians, that their ;:hole (pmt , andfoule, andGo- dy, may bekept blarrreler, vnto the cerm119ing of Orel . Where he fubdiuideth the foule into two parts, into reafon or vnder- ftanding,whichhe talleth thefpirit : will , or affection , which he tcarmeth (by the common name agreeing to both)thefoule:; ,1_5 God havingBitten rearm tofee, and will to fecke, after that which is good : that reafon having eyes might guide the will that is blinde, and goe before, that it might follow. So that the fpirit and foule are not two fouerall fùbffances, but oneand the fane(cuen as the bodieand the flefhare one bodie)and yet So are they diltinguifhed for dofìrine fake. FJeb. 4. r a. the word ofGod is laid to enter throatgh, seven to the dsnidinó afonder ofthe J foule andChefirit. and Eph. 4. t 7.18. the Apofliedifiingui(h- eth the foule into three Faculties, the mind, cogitation , heart : '""° I : when he faith the Gentiles walked inthe vanitieoftheir minds,. =`5 and had their cogitations darkened , becau(e of the hardnesof theirhearts : by mrnde,meaning thehegen®nicall part or vnder- (landing : by cogitation, the inward fenfes, as memorie, phan- tafie, &c. and by heart, the affcitions. Now byfpirit in this place,is not ment thevnderf}anding a- le:, lone, or the foulealone, but by a fynechdoche the whole man is vnderflood, albeit tlee foule principally be ment, becaufe it is the proper fubieft ofgrace: for grace beeing a 1pirituafl thing t f1S i,,;,, is pl.tced immediately and properly in the fpirit, or mind of iseii qu.icg.w man; and in the bodie accidentally , where it doth bewray it .3g ! felte by outward afïtons.Second'y,for that,as the feate ofgrace is in the mind; fo the (enfeandapprehcnfon ofit is there like- wife, &.not m the hodie. Thirdly,as Theophilaff faith,Non air 'oobi!cum,7uidital abigenr tos drebut k, ifi.e, arctietyi non it Irae bes fpiritnrn, led4 gratta accepire. So that, it is all one, as if he fhould baue laid, the grace clou,. Lord fetus Chrt/f bewith los dl. as it Bbbbb 1 is d53