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654 Chap.6. e/f Commentarievpon is ralitzp.4.'2, 3.311 2.Theft 3.1 -.3S it may appeareby the likes .1 !for that farewell which Paul giues Timothie in his latter Epi- file, The Lora' lefm Chrift ke with thyfpirit, 2. TiM.4.2 2. is all one with that in his former, Grace be with thee. Tim. 6. 21. And that falutation Philem. 15. The grace ofoar Lord leftu Chrift bewithyawfpirit,is all one with that Coloff: 4.18. Grace bewithyou, Hence that phrafeand forme of fpeech in our EnglifhLi- turgic, or Common praier booke, (though mifliked by fome, 1 and cauilledat byothers) bathhis warrant and ground, when ió. !the Minder faith , The Lordbe withyou; and the people an- fvver , Avdwith thy/pint , wi thing the fame tohim , that he to them,that Godwould be with his fpirit, that is, with him. Againe , marke how the Apoltle as he did beginne with orace,chap. he cloth aidewith grace , to teachvs fir(' Of f r all, that our faluation is placed in it alone e for the beginning, theprogrelre, and theaccomphlhment thereof: for eldlion is ofgrace, Rom. 11.5. and vocation is ofgrace,2.Titn.i .9. and iutlification,Rom.3,24,and glorification.Rom.6.23. Second- ly, that Chrift is to haue all the glorie of this grace, whereby 20 weare fo highly aduanced into the fauour ofGod,both for the beginning continuance, and ending, without arcribing any part thereofto our felues,or anyother creature. Thirdly , that all our faluiations , and greetings, our adieues , and fare-wells, ought to be- grounded in the graceofChrill,otherwife they are 2; but carnall : and therefore theApollle biddeth the Chriftians to falute one another in aholy kip ,or (as Peter fpeakes) with the kl.g.e ofhale. Pet.5.14. This confutes the PopifhDoaors , who doe not onely af- cribe the beginning of their faluation to theinfelues , in co- 30, working with God in their firft conuerfion : but alto the ende and accomplament ofit,byworkesof condignitie, which(as they fay)are meritorious ofeternall life. Further, obferue , with what eraphalis the Apolhe concludes his EpifIle : Firft oppofing Chrifi the Lord of the houle, to 3'T Het). 3.5pf. Moleswhowas but a feruantin the houle. Secondly, the grace of Chrill toinherentiuflice, and merits of workes. Thirdly, the fpirit , in which he would haue grace to be feated , to the flefh, in which the Apofiles gloried fomuch. Lafily, brother- lyvnitie one withanother, implied in theword brethrenito the proud ____00111111111al