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Pk b2 Z5 30 5 the Epille to the Calatimet. Chap.6. e5 5 proudand lordlycarriageof thefalfe Apof}les ouer them. The Conclufon. In the ende of all , it is added, in theGreeke, andSiriac,teco- pies, that this Epiftlewas written to the Galatiansfrorr.3Rome. Which poft- fcript fcemes tobe erroneous andfalle : for firft, there is not a tittle in the wholeEpiftle,that giueth the leaf} ink- ling that it fhould haue beetle written from same: whereas in all there(},which art written from thence,Paulmakes mention ofhis bonds, and imprifonment. Secondly, the varietie ofco- pies argues the vncertentieofit , feeing in famecopies it is laid to haue beenfentfromEphefus, as Caietan and Hyperireaffirme, in their Commentaries vpon this place. Thirdly, Baroniau(if his authoritie beofany weight in this cafe) affìrmeth that it is not likelyor credible that it was written from thence. But, be it graunted that this pot}- fcript were true indeede ; yet it is no part ofCanonicall Scripture , as not beeing written by the A- pof}le,but added afterwardsby theScribes which copied out theEpiff cs. Neither is this onely true ofpofi-fcripts, butall() ofInfcriptions or Titles prefixed beforeEpif}les , they areno part of holy writ. This may eafily beprooued inparticular Mr fiat, touchingPofi- fcripts,the Greeke copies agree in this, that the firft Epif}le to the Corinthians, was writtenfrom'Phi- iippi, andpnt byStephanas, Fortunataw, eA'ebaicue, andTimotbe. tu: when as it is cenen , it was written from Ephefus. For firft, chap. t 6.5 .he faith,He willcome to themwhenhefballgo through eacedonia. Therefore Paul was not then at Philippi, a cheife citie in t.i3íacedonia. Secondly,in the 19 ofthe famechapter,he faith, All the ChurchesofA(ìafaluteyou , which fhcwes plainly, that when Paxl writ this Epiflt, he wasat Ephefrr in 4t, not at Philipps in Europe. Thirdly,v. 8.he faith, hewillabide at Ephe- fks till`Pentecof#,therefore hewas not then at Philippi. Fourth- ly , that it was written before the tumult in Ephefau raifcd by Demetriau and his complices, and fo confequently before his comtning to Philippi: as alfo that it was fent by Timotheus and Eraflus,it ismanifef}, v. 1 o. of that chapter, beeing compared with AEl. r9.v. 21, 2 a. Laf}ly, the Syriacke tranflatour agreeth, withme, in affirming that it was written from Epbefus ; and fo dothTarenituAnnal. tom. s.pag.494.1.31. Againe, the pot}- fcript of the xao the. Corinthians, bath it was writtenfromPhi- Bbbbb 2 dppi Annal.Totg,i. pag.6S7.1.26. Antuerp.