656. C1aap.6, ACo smentarievpou f lippi o tAlacetlonia,andTent hyTittuand Lu/ke:whereas theRhe- m0(1? we may glue any credit to their tef}ìmonie, whoe!fe- where make titlespart of the Canonical! fcripture) fay, it was 'written at Tre,u;as n is thought. And'Baron.annal. tom. r .pag. 59o.1.á r. Antuerp. thinkes it was writtenat Nicopoli,vpon this 5 occafion, that in his former Epifite from Ephefus pronaifing to come vnto the as he palled through Macedonia, dccorning not, t.Cor. r 6. he doth in this excufe himfclf;, z. Cor. 15, 16, t 7. compared with the 2. Cor, 7.5. Neither is it a good reafon to prooue that Titan carried this Epifite (as it is in the poll. t©. fcript)becaufe Paulfaith,hefènt now to them , and another trill" him. a. Cor. 8. t 8, 2a. and r 2.18.for ` aulfpeakes of Titus his comming unto thebefore that time: neither may it be thought that Titus was fent the fecond timevino thenr,confderingthat departing fro-m (...Maeedonia,and taking Timr with.him, he left IS him in Crewe. Sce(efar Baron:annal. tom.t.Antuerp. p.591 .I. ,4o. Befides, the7 hemi?sçontroll the fubfcription of the frfi Epi(He to the Theflalonians,whichbath it thus, Thefirfi Sinfile to theTheialanians , written. fromAthens. For in their preface, they are bold to aflrme,that itfeemethrather tohaue binwritten 2Q at Corinth,thenat e.,flthent : and they ` iue this rearm-) ofit, be. cau(è after the fendingof Ttrrorhie toThec.vlonica, Paulandhe meets not at +.ribs;:againe, but at Coria:rh. And Bzronius af- frmetb,that it feemes.to haue beenewrittenprefently after that SylsandTimothesu came to him-toCorinth, out of Alacedenia, Z5 by comparing Aft.' 8.5 .with t.Thcfi: ;.6. Anna!, tom..c.pag. ¢07.4 I. And Emmanuel Sa doth cenfure the Syriacke po(t- fcript, which faith it was fcnt from Athens byTimothie, fec- ing that Timothie was then abfent. The like they of iirme in the argument of the fecond. Ep ílle.tor albeit the Greekepoll:. 30 fcript hatla it , that it was written from Athens, yet they rather thinke it was is'ritten from Corinth, where Prrul aboad a ycare and fixe rrsoneths, A(I. is. r r. becaufe the title is like unto the fr(t EptfileeTarl andSylvanutand ?:;,Theist, &c. And Bare- niFu faith, thatit fhould be written fromAthens , irrpogibile eJri 35, 1 afrmare; becaufe it was written foone after the former, as may appcare by the infcription, Paul and SylvanTandTrmotheul," (they continuing together:) but the former was written from Corinth (ashush binproouede) and therefore the latter : fperi- aily con(idering that Paulwent thence from Athenr;andaboad at.