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1 tls, Epi71e t®the Çal. ttemt. Chap.6. 657 at Corinth ayeareand ahalfe, and returned not bakeagaine to' Athcns,but went to Ephefus. Annal.tono.I.pag.4f7.1.28, Adde hereunto that whereas the poflfcript of the 1. to. Timothie faith it was written from, Laodicea the chicle Citie of 5. `Ehrigi,a7'acaciana, the Rhemifls notwithílanding in the argu- men?, affirm: that it is vnctrtcnwhere it was written:& though it be commonly find to haue beene written at Laadicea, yet it feett th to be otherwife, bccaule itis like he was neuer there, as may he gathered by the Epiflie to the Colofianswhich was $o written at Rornein his lafl trouble, a little before his death : for Coloff. z. I. Paulfeemes to infinuate that he was neuer atthat Laodicea ofPbrtgia, mare toColoITTos,and Hierapolis,and that they neuer. law his perfon. Bcfides, neither (-linie(whowrit af- ter Paul) nor any other ancient clatlique author , doth make )1f mention ofPbrisia 7acaciana, to that it feemeth tohaue been: fo called long after Pauls difceafe : the firft mention that is- madeofit (as fume haue obfcrued) becing in the acts of the .s. Synode of Conflantinop. Baronius is of opinion that it was,written from Macedonia, Tom. t. pag. 564. grounding 20 his conieelure vpon 1. Tim. r. 3. as I befought thee toabide at Ephefus, when Iwent into Á1aceelenia;.foaloe-- The fame cloth Athanalus affirme, in his SynapGs, andTheodora in his pre- face vpon that Epiflle. Againe , the fubfcription of the 2. to Timothie, that it Eras _S writtenfrorn R.pmeveto Timothie the fiyii Bifhop eleFfed of the church o fEphefitt: cannot well (land as Tome thinkewith that of S.Taul; 2.Tinsothie .. s.rDse the work! of art ,Ettangelil1, feting that Euangelifis werenot tied to perfonall refdencie, to abide in one place (as Bifhops.and patters are) but were to góe 3.0' from place to place, to confirme the Churches planted by the Apoilles. But the difcuffing of this argument,whcther Timo- thie were an Euan ;:lift properly fo called, and whether the fame man couldnot be an Euanelifl;and a bifhop, regluireth a longer difcourfc, thcncan be afboarded to this (fort treatifc. 31 Laflly, thepoflfcript of the Epiflle toTitus,faith it was written fromNicopelis ofM. cedonia..: the deuifers of which afJ rtion -ground their opinion vpon Titus 3. t z. where Paul faith, 4.e diligentto come to me to Nicopolis, for 1 baue determined there to winter: miflaking the text, for he faithnot, be diligent to conic tome to Nicopolis, for I haue determined here to winter (as Bbbbb 3 E:en o