65S Chap.6. A (ommtutarie vex beefing therealreadie)but I haue determined there to winter. By which it is plaint that whenTare/ wrote toTitme,he wasnot at Nicopolit, (as the pofifeript affirroethjand fo we fee the text which they alleadge for them , maketh moli againft them . And this is the judgement &reafon ofBarenhys, pag. . 1. 33. Antwrp howfoeuer Clameiiw Efpencatel 'hilts his fingers of it, andpaffes it outs in filence. Thus much concerning Subfiriprions: a wordor two touch- ing InfcrOtiont or tit/es prefixed before Epiftles. That thefcbe no part offcripture written by theApoffies,but added to the to Epiffles by tome others, it may appeare by thefc reafons. Firft generally, iftitles were ewnouicerilas well as the epifiles them- , (clues, the Fathers would neuer haue doubted (as they did) whether Paul were theauthor oftheTittle to the Ebrewes or .not, feeing in all copies fine one (as Reza hath obferued) it if bearethhis name : but fome of them aferibe it to aienados, as Tertullign : others ta? Ltike,as7erotni witneffeth, others to Cle- ment:Oectonenint intitleth it only thus,The eptfile to the Ebrewes, without adding the nameof 'ardor any other as the penner of it : and fo Henteniw a papift doth tranflate it out of oecumeni- 20 OS. Secondly, foamepiales (as thofe (men written by lames , Peter, John, Jude) haue vnfit titles prefixed before them, in that they are called fometime CanenicalapeciallyoftheLatine church) and fometime Catbolick(ch'Idly of theGreekchurch) neither ofwhich were euer glum them , by any Apoffle, or 25; Apoftoliquewriter. For firt touching the title Cononie4//, it may feeme ftrange that this infcription fhould euer haue been appropriated vnto them, which is common with them to the whole wordofGod: as though in themwere contained a more pees andabfolute rule ofdoetrine and manners, of things 3o tobe beleeued and pra&ifed, then in theother bookes of holy writ ; confidering that fundrie Diuines (albeit erronioufly confefFe) haue beetle fo farre from gluing vnto them this pre- heminence aboue the refi ofthebookesof Scripture,that they haue altogether reieeted them, asno part ofCanonicall-Scrip- 35 sure: by name the epifile oftoner, the2. ofPeter, the 2. and 3. of John, and that of lude, ofall which it was doubted in aun- zienttime, as we fee in Etefehiw; and the Syrian church re-ea- neth themnot to thisday,as beeing not in theSyriacke tranfla- tionondCaietanapopifhwriter, and theLutheransat this pre- fen