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66o Chap.6. ,I Coaasmenttarie vpon t3ibtioth.tacrs tom.:. ad Sym- pro +ian.Ne a 9rtian:doça- ihot. sowing titer fenfe,we (trail be fo fame froru becingable todefend it,ttlat we (hall not be able to excuie it. The (econd titlewhich is gtuen them, is ,that theybe called Catholike, which infcription is as unfit astiu former : for they are fo ealled(as forne wouldhaue it,)beca.ufe they werewrittz, S anddirated to the whole CatholikeChurch , confiftingboth of Ices and Gentiles. But that is not true, feeingfames chap. direttcth his Epifllc anely to the r a tribes that were di- fpperfed,and not to the Gentiles. Atad Peter, whowas anApo- CtleofC:rcutncifivn, r. l pill. r. t.writcthonelytothe titan, tes gets the Iewes, that dwell here and there throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Afia , and Bythinia. Others thinke they are tearmcd Catholike, , for that they were not lent to one man, or fainilie,or citie,òr countrey : but generally to the wholebo- ttle, companie,and focictieofthe Icwes, wherefocuer difpeifed z s ouer the whole earth. But neither in this knfecan they fitly, or truly be tearmcd Cathanke: foralmuch as two of dick feuen, viz. the fecond and thirdof Iohn , were written to particular perlons, the one to the elc(t Ladre, the ether to Galas. Andby this reafon the Epifile to Timothie, that to Titan, and abilemon, 20 may be called Catheh,,e,as well as there. Againe, be it graunted, that they were all duelled to all the Iewes , yet I fee not why the Epifile to the Ebrewcs,may not as well chalen a this title to becalled Ca:holike, as anyof thefe fe- ucn, confidering it was written to all the Iewes, and oncly to 2; theIces. Thirdly, others affirme them tobe calledCatholike, becaufe they containe Catholike do 1rine,Inchas appertaineth to all men generailv,of what efface, place, condirion,or calling foe- uer they be. But in this fenceall Tanis Fpi }les may be called 30 Catholike Epi/llet, For whatfoeuer is written, is writtenfor oar . learning, t hat we throughpatience andco»¡lation of the Scriptures r igI t hauehope. Rom. t v.4. Secondly ,the wordCatholike;is not foancient: for Pariamu an auncient father , faith , it was not vledin the Apotlles daies. 35 His worries are thefe. SedfubApofiiòlis (tmquie )remo Catholicns vocadatur: ego, (ufuerit , el ïllr d indu,f;e, coonpoll Apoflolos,ha- r%sextitiíent,diuerfs fhitomini6ut Colran:6ar Dci atgue reginasa lacerare per parte!, Ó" /ciadere niterérttsr ; nonne cognomenfount plelrr Apofalicapoflnlabat , Teo incorraptï pop i d,fltor secret tmï- to