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theEpifile to the Galatsatst. Chap.6. tatem, ne inteateratamDei virginent,, error aligttortssts per 'um- bra lareraret ? that is, But thoutri/t fay , tinder the .i poflles no man was called Catholigse: well, be it fo, yet admit this withal/, whenafter theApofiles there were here les, andmen beganne to i '\ rendinpeerer, anddimidegods doge, an ueene, by fundry dsfe- 'rent names, didnot the Apofiolieepeople require their fin-names , »hereby they might diJiingaìfb the vnitie ofthe vncorrupt people , leaf: the error ofome,ßsold rendis fwndergods vndeftledvirgin wherewc fee Pacianus doth freelygrant, that this furname Ca- Annaüum ire) , Iholsl¿e wasnot in vfe in the time of theApofiles. Which tari- 3orAra ap manic Taroninsdoth notably dii17 mble, in (hewing the origi- nal! ofthis nameout of Tacianas; affirming, but nowroouing it tobe asancient as the Apoffles. Now this errour kath not onelybefallen theLatin, and Greckecopies, but the Syriacke likewife,as may appeare in the title prefixed before the moft ancient Syrian tráflation,wherewe (hal find there words,The3. Epililesofthe 3. Apofiles beforewhofa eyesour Lord war transf.. gored, lames, Peter, lohn. In which infcription be couched 2. foulecrrours.Fir(f,in that this tranflator maketh but 3. epiffles 20 of lames, Peter, andJohn : whereas there arc fixe, he omitting the 2. ofPeter, the 2. and 3. of John (as alto that oflude) as no part ofholy fcripture;& therfore the Syriackchurch(as 1 haue alreadie laid) Both not receiue thefe Epifiles into their Canon vnto this day. The fecond is , in that he affirmeth lames before 25 whom our S. Chrift was transfigured in mount Tabor, to be theauthorofthis epi(lle. For, that lamesbefore whome Chriff was transfigured in the mount, was lames the fonncof Zebede- us, andbrother of John. Matth. t 7. t . Afterfaxe daies, Icfsu toole Teter and laines and John his brather,andbrought their tip intoan 30 high mountain,and was transfigured before them. Which lames could not pofíìbly Bethe penner ofthisepiffle,for he was thine byking Herode long before the deffruetion ofIcrufalem, and the dilperfon ofthe 1 2. tribes , AEis t 2. V. 2, 'beut that time Herode thehinge firetched forthhis hand to vexe certaine cf the 31 ; Church: andhe fiera lames the brother of lohn with the (word. Therfore lames the author ofthis epiffile, was lames the Conne ofAlpheus. For to faine an other lames the brother of our Lord as Come haue done, is childifh, fecing it is plaint by fun. dry places ofthe N. T. that there werebut two of that name mentioned in Scripture, lame the fonnc of Zebedeus called C c e c c i lames 661