Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

------ An exaft Table ()fall particulars contai- nedin this Cammentarie. The firflftttrc,fhert'es thspage, thefecmncáthe hoc A ¡He ble(Tng of Abraham came I from the curled deathofChriG. 203.20 Children of Abraham are of two fortes. 177. 30 All Weeversare children ofAbra- ham three wales. 177. 3 3 VVemuff doe three things towalk in the fteppes of Abrahams Faith. 178. 2o. OfGods not Accepting the perfori ofman; 90.18 Whoare to beAccurfed? 25.35 How the church Mould accurfe any man, and in what order ? 26. 2 Admif ion into the kingdome of grace is either outward or in -' ward. 399.18 OfAdoption. 291. 25 In the grace or Adaption there be two atts ofGod. 236.3/ The foundationof our Adoption. 264.35. Adulterie to be punifhed with death. 233.34 what Adulterie is, and how great a finne? 4 04.6 Offlying adultery and fornication . 426.6 Twofpeciall occafions ofAdulterit and fornication 427.4 in that Adulterie, fornication &c. are worker o' the flea) we are I taught three things. 476.29 Inordinate affeEtions what? 4s 0.23 Bodilie AH1El ;on to he fuffered ioyfully for the profeflion ofth-e truth. 651. 9 Agar figures Ierutalcr.l two waits. 3$5.20 Ati put for many. t$1.37 Anathema what ìt is? 25. 3 ' Anger whether any lassfull., and when a finne : and the remedieof it? 4;6.2a. Remediesagain {f Anger. QhicEti-- tins anfwered. 445.8 Apoffarebath flue degrees. 349. 74 What it is to br an- Apoille? r. 37 Avianalike authornie ceafed with the Apollles. 5. 18 The ApaftlesdoEirine`odsinirne- diate ,Ford. 5. 3 What is the officeofan Apoftle?6S. 5. Application of Chsift and his be nefits is to to be made by certain degrees. 371. 30 Apprchcnfion: cif Chri =ft Bands in two things. 125. 4 Three ground1of Apprchenfion. 1 a5. 23. Two degrees of Apprehenfioi 126. 25.. Arabia where frtuatt?: /7. 22 Authority ofScripturt fe Scripture.. three