A TA3' L, IF-_- B Threemarkesofinward Baptifine. 241.40 Baptifine in the church ofRoome no figue ofthe true church. 243. 3. Baptifine taken fix wales. 243. 3 7 In the couenant of Baptifine Gods a tions arc two,mansone.248.2 Theandes of Baptifine arc foure, 249.11. The efficacy of Baptifine. 249.21 Arguments of Papifis Afwcred 250.14. Baptifine Bothnotabolifh original! finne. 251 20 Flaw baptifme conferres grace ? 253.17 Of the necesfitie ofBaptifine. 256. 22. Foure queflions of the perfon that mutt adminifter Baptime. 257. 3o The grounds of infants Baptifine. 260.15. Obicaionsagainfl 'Baptifine ofIn- fants, Anfwered. 261 Children ofTurkes and Iewes are not to be baptifed. 261.3o Childrenof profefred Papifls may be Baptifed,two cautions obfer- ued. 261.32 Childrenof wicked chriflians and ofparents Excommunicate may be Baptifcd. 162.15 Baptifine is to be adnziniftred but once. 262.26 Ofthc placeof Baptifine. 263. t The vfeof Baptifine. 263.9 Papifls abufc baptifine_ 377._1_2 trTe mull be bearers and how ? 490 32. Beare one with another. 491.492 Belecuers muff beBearers and fuf fete rs. 163. 1691 Foure kindes ofBeleeuers in thevi- fiblc church. 319.6 Why beiecuers are calledchildré of protract-cc promife. Funerali beneficence. 603.21 Vitali beneficence. 603.25 Blesfing came bythe curie. 203. zo There is a goodand lawfull kind of boaífing. 89. 12 Boafling is either lawfull or vniaw- full. 455. 11 whether Bondage may (land with Chriflian religion? A treatife of fpirituall Bondage. 364.39. Our fpirituall bondage (lands in ;. things. 365.1 Of the nature, ligne, and vfe of it. 465 What is ment by Brethren. 5. 38 61.25. The name Brethrenof force toper- fwade VS to vie gcntienes.466.29 Brethren taken foure waíes in Scrip- ture. 469.39 Burdens of two forts , & what they be?520.24. To beare one anothers bnrdcn what? 520. Bearing ofour owne burdenwhat it is? 520. 35 Vfesvpon this,that eatery manmull bearehis owns burden. 528.6 Sinne,aburden to wicked Angels , 1 man, god, and thecreatures. p8. I 1