Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

A TdBLE. 1r. What kindofburden finne is? 528. 27. The Iewes (porting at the threat- nings ofthe Lord, calling them the burden ofthe Lord. 529.10 Mens Burdens are of two forts. 489. 3. Foure forts of thole burdens that may be borne ofothers,as well as of our fclucs. 489.9 The two firlt tortsborne threewales ?bid. 20 The two latter how to be borne ? Sundae obielions againft Bearing only our owne Burdens, pro- poundedand anfwered. 52o.35 to 528. infants beare the burden of Adams finne,andwhy? 52r.15 True beleeuers freedby Chrtft fró' a threefouldburden. 5 2 7.26 HowChrift and weare laid tobeare the Burdenofour ftnnes ?5 27, 39 C Pauls Callinz was not by the church, ofAntioch. 2.2 3' It differs from the calling of other Apoftles. 2. 23 Agood callingnecdfarie for a mi- sifter. 3. 1 The Anábaptifls arguments that a manmay preach without a cal- ling,anfwered. 3.7 Euerylawfull calling is of God. 3. 22. Foure reafonswhy minifters calings mutt be manifeft to their confct- ences, and to their auditors. 3. 31' Three notes to knowe whether a man becalled to the minitterie. 4. 10. Threekindsofcalling in theChurch 4.25. Two fortes of calling. 34. r Threekindes ofezrtraordinarie cal- lings. 34.4 Three rules to be obferued for the trial!ofan extraordinarie calling. 34. 22' God in his eternal, counfell aflïgnes to eueryman a calling. 48. s Thechildof God in hisconuerfion bathnot power to refill the in- ward callingofGod. 3 o6. ; 5 Who calles ? whoare called ? what is the callingofGod? 398. Mcnanfwcr the callingofgod three waits. 399. a Gods calling is either' operatiue or fignificatiue. 399.7 Euery manought to baue two cal- lings. 4°4.28 Carnal, videnatural. Roman Catholykes like vnto the ould Falle prophetes for out- ward tliewes. 6 r z. 2 Their outward {Lewes nand in foure particulars. ibid. ; Ceremonies are oftwo fortes. 23z. 53. Ceremonies confidered threewales. 309. 39 Charming a kind ofwichcraft. 429. 3 7. Flowwe may difccrne of charmes? 403.1° Two degrees of Gods children. 336.4. Ddddd ä