Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

A- TABLE;, VVhy beleuers called children of was made flefh ?. 281.4 I promife?aide promife. Of the vniting of the flab to the 1. Who arc the children ofAbraham ? godhead of the Sonne. 284,12 vid: Abraham. Of Chtiffs fubic Lion to the law.. AChitd of Go.]is twowales . 336. 285.35. 2 6. Of Chrifts obedience in fulfilling; AChild-by grace i$ threewales 36. the law. 286.18 28. Of the applicationof Chrifl. vide The excel encieofthis benefit tobe Application. the Childof God. 236.39 Chrifl crucified the florehoufeand' The duties ofGods children. 238. treafurie of the Curch, which is. 2.238.24. i íhewedinfiuepoints.63o.25.z,.. ATreatife of the authoritie that pa- Why Paul gloried rather in the. rents hang in difpofrng theirchil- \ crofe of ChriU then inhis reiur- dren. 274.28 reElion? 631.23 Children mutt be fubiceì to their The Papifls wicked glorying in tutoxs and.gouernours. 276.25 Ì the croffe. 632.x;,. What aman muff doe tobe affured- Chrifl is called our Lord-in flue re- he is Gods child ? 277.141 fpetls. 652.25- What the v:tion withChrifl is ? vid. .Chrifl was Trade a curie for vs. vide Vnion. Curie. In what refpea they are failtobe How Chrifl fuf ercd the wrath of one with.Chrift? 265.1\ God? 200.1 How all belecuers arc made one Chrifl muff be really learnedbefore with Chrifl? 265.3 he be taught. 53.9 Ofthe donation ofChrifl. 265,36 Ofour receiving of Chrifl. 266.15 What communion with Chrifl is ? 266.23 How the Lord4cfus is put on. 267: 4. Of the apprehenfivn ofChrifl; vid. i Apprehenfion. Why Chilli called Sonne ? via. Son. Whether the Sonne be God? vide Sonne. Chrifl tóoke not t6 himfelfe the of- fice ofa.Mediatour. 2ífr.l6 A treatife of'Chrifls incarnation,, why,how.farreforth,andhowhe When Chrifts obedience begannc and , ended ?` 119.14 How Chrifl could obey being God and fàtisfie for vsbceing man? 1.20.4. in:what orderChrift gives hinafelfe' vnto vs ? 146.8 Chrifl is God.. 5.25 Chrifl which óiucs grace and peace, why called our Lord? 12. ; 8. How Chrifl is Paid togiue himfelfe?, i r 3.26:. Two endes why Chrifl glue him- %lfe. 14.381 Chrift s-.death and facrifice wasvo- i