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luntarie, 14.10 Ofthechurches reioycing. 358.37 Euery man muta applic the gift and It is one in number , andno more. facr,fice of Chrift vntohimlclfe, 351.37. and how it maybedone ? 15.zz How the church is troubled? vide Ho N they of theold teftainent were Trouble. partakers of the bodie and blood The catholike church why called of Chrif}? 21.35 our mother? 35.2.17 Chr3ft is the great Prophet anddo- Where our mother is to be found ? ftourofttiechurch. 36.39 352.25 Chrifts office floods in three things. The order tobe vied in thecenfure 37 2, giuenvpon a church. 9.10 Chrift teacheth thole that are to be Ierufalem themother church rather teachtrs,twowaies. 37.37 then Rome. 61.15 What a Chriflian is? 449.21 Thechurch was before the writing AChriftian is Chrtfts,fiuewaies. i- oldieword, but not before the bid. zz. word. 77.6 The vies ofone beringChrifs.ibid. It is inuifible. 352- 3' Of Circumcifion. 79.32 Theoffice ofa Chrifliá man. 451.5 Circumcifion confidered according The ChurchofRome no churchof to the circumftance of time,three God. 9.24 waies. 373.15 How the Church can be walled , & Circumcifion in it felfe a thing in why the Lord fullrs it to be fo ? different , yet not to be vied if it 43.24,30. ' be vrged as a matter of abfolute Authorttie of the church no princi- neceffitie. 614.35 plc. 4 33.39 Cull vertues,and a ciuilllife, are no Vnity is not an infallible &irdepara- better thenfirmes. 16.10 i ble marke oldie church. 407.18 What is the combate that naturali Three certenmarks of the cathohke mat] have ì 417.28 church. 3 35 1 t The caule ofthe fpirituall combate,' Why the Chriflian church is called and the perlons in whome it is. barren and defolatc? 33 57.1.14 417.5. The effatcof the church is either in Thevieof the combate. 419.1 ward or outward. 357.18 The commandements ofGod are The vie that ought to be made that not orieuous three waies 190.15 the church hash Chrift for her ' Concealements of the truth fcme-¡ husband. 358.9' times lawful!. 6 ;.i 3 The catholike Church on earth is ( How it muff be vnderflood that in laid to be in heaucn for two eau- l thecommandement the fumesof fcs. 35 x.6 the fathers arc vifitcd upon the Ddddd 2 chií-;