A TABLE. children. 52r.29 Papifts make three degrees. ofcon- cupifcence. 252.11 Concupiscence. vide Lufl. Conference of Paflor and people, necefl`arie. 338,13 How confcience is free, and how fubieft to thepower of the Ma giflrate? 410.1 Three obie&ions rermooued that the lawes and traditions of the church , bind Confcienceas truly as the word ofGod. 369.21 Theconfent of Paflors andpeople excellent. 6.45 What is the force ofcontent? 6.27 Confent no certen marke of the church. 6.37 The catholike confent of beleeuers in points of religion , is not the trueand liuely Scripture. 7.5. Confent flandes in three things. 7. 15. Confentnot to be foundamongefl the papilles. 7. 18. Confent is to be found amongefl vs in the foundation of religion. 7.23. Confider our felues andothers. 467 468.469. Conflancie. vid. flandin Confultation not to be vied, in mat- tersofreligion, nor in obedience. 56. 19. 37. The vie of the contemplation of Chrifl by faith. 162.30 The cfe&Rofcontention. 408.6 Contentions tome lawful! force full. 436.3 5 Contra& inferno cafes may be dif- folued. 209.1r Sinnes after conuerfion are pardo- nable. 462.4 Three caltes of Pauls conuerfion. 46.31. The order and dependance ofcal- ks in a finners conuerfion. 47.1 3 Flue Q elhons of Palls conuerfi- on. vide Paul. Conuerfion wrought by certain de- grees. 336.2.0 Corruption not felt by corruption butbygrace. 4'528.33 Couenants bceinglawfull are to be kept with.heretykes,andenemies. 208, z3. \Vhat couenants with Joffe are to be kept and what not? ibid.30 Couenants oftwo forts, legal! and cuangelical!. 569.6 The couenants ofworkes hatla two properties. 348. 27 Conferences and- connects are lau- dible. 75. 31 Three caueats in gathering-a coon- cell. 76.5 For this endingof differences in re- ligion there mull be conferences in a free or chriflian conned. 408.3 7. Why the proteflants ioyned not with the papifls:inthe councell ofTrent. 409. 5 Fine rules for our hbertie in vfrng the creatures. vid. Libertie. why weought totake vp our croie and follow Chrifl , certaine rea- ions. 620.5 what is ment by thecrofe ofChrifl. 630.16.