A rA 7-1, Crucifg ing is either the afirion of Chrift or our anion, of Chill threefold . 451 7 Three rneanes to crude the flefh. 451.26 Rcafons why a man hanging on a, treeis curled. 202.8' What the cut fe is that Chrift was aside for l'3? 19S. 19 HowChrifi was a curie? ibid. 28 Whether Paul did well in curling his enemies? j96.3o Whether we may curie ours? 397.ío Howwe fltould vie the imprecati- onsin Dauids Pfalmes? 397.18 D A fourefould kind ofobferuation of daies. 314.4 Againft thePopifh obferuation of holydaies. 3r 6.7 -low Proteflants obferue them 316.28. Ahainf1 obferuing daies ofgood & bad fuccefTe. 31'7. 2 Two rules to be obfcrued for the right manner and meafurc of ca- j ting anddrinking. vide Eating: Chrifis temporal! death did coun- teruaile eternall death. vide Death. Wee mull carrie our films as dead , men in three refpeels. 144. 29 There are two degrees both in the firlt and fecond death. 199.20. 24. What debate is? 436. 3 There is a deceit called dorms bans. 64. 2. Ofmen deceiuing thcmfelrtes. 5o8. 30. Aman maybe deceiued both in di- uine and humane things fundry wares. 546. 19 Aman drecrueshirnfclfc two Hies. 546. zo. The heart of man deceitful1. 5.46. 40. fromwhence that fpringeth? 547.3 Good delires difÍrngurfhed from carnali Mites by three proper- ties. 297. 32 Of the deliresof our hearts and that they are cryes,and how ? 598.6 Of the league of compaft with the deuil. 429.20 VVhat is the chicle principle in di-. uinitie? 433.24 VVhat drunckenres is? 439.1.E Two things in this finne. :bid. 14, To be giuen todrincking, is aflame.. 439. 21. Inducements to deteft druticken_- nes 439. 30' Arg. for drunkcnnes,anfwcrcd. 440: 20. E. Two rules to be obfetued for the right manner and nlcafure of ea- tingand drincking. 439. 5- bletió arife.th not of the will of man but of. the grace of God. 40e 27. How we may attains to the aífu- raneeof cur eleûion? 47. 311 There is a double eleffion. 194.1:4. Godseleffion isthe mote of all the gifts ofC od in vs. o8. 15, The metre grace of Godis the caufo of our cleftion. 360. a6 Dd dd d 3