e,4 2 ifBI, In religion thereought to be a holy emulation. 44.36 There is a good emulation., and a carnal( emulation. 436.8 whether Paul did well incuring his enemies? 396.3o whether we may curie our enemies? vide Curie. Enmitie.videHatred. Fnuiewhatitis? 437.36 Error in the foundation , or betide the foundationofreligion. 8.3o Error of humane fratltic or ofobfli- nacie. 8.35 Noman can let downe the precise time when errors had there be- ginning. 81-'2 Error is either in judgement or mä- ners: both are of two forts. 409. 20. In the examination of our fettles foure rules mull be obfcrued. 218.8. The contagion of mill examples mull be cut off in the focietieof men. ç9.40 Excommunication when to be v- fed? 390.32 Offendersare not to be excornmu nicated at the firft., but orderly to be proceeded againfii. 393. 9. 486.37. F Faith is ofgreat vfe in the xingdome of God. 382.32 when faith firfl begins to breedeMI the heart? 240.30 How faith inChrifi is conceiued in theheart? 24r5 àsrhether faith may be loft ? 69.2c 1 what Iufhifyng faith is,as the Papiffs define ? 123.32 The obie tof Abrahams faith was doùble. 123.38 what true iuflifyingfaith is 124.35 Faith arid confidence azc two di- flinEì giftsof Gold. s 25.1 t Two caufes why a bcleeueris (aide to hue by faith. 149.16 Howmenhue by faith ? 149.24 Faith confidered two wales. 17,.34. That we may line by faith, we muti doe two things. 194.5 A particular or fpeciall faithhath 3 aEts or effefts. 2 ;9.z2 Arguments of the Papifls againfi fpecial faith, anfwered. 239.30 Eucry grieuous fall cloth not abo- lifh the fauour of God. 237.13 OF the faith of Infants. 261.1y What faith towardes God is? 446. 31. .Reafeis toproue that the faith of the moll is but falte & fzined.446.; 5 Faith workes by loue, beeing the cause ofloue,and loue the fruit of faith. 383.13 In faith two things. 485.241 Faith towar des men flandes in two particulars. 447.12 Reafons to mooue vs to mairntaine faith& truth amongmen.4472 $ By faith we doe not abrogate but e flablifh the law. vide Law. The dutie of gouernours of fami- lies. 410.24 God is called a father in two re fpe is. 226.1; Of the Fathers fending his Sonne. vide God. No -;,