A TAT LE.. No man exempted from falling. 461.37. -- Fainting twofold. -585.7 Spirituali faintingxwofold. 585.i 2 Faults of Churches be of twoforts. 8.18. Ofnaturall feare,how it is good and how cull'? 108.4 Three kinds of feare. rc8.2o Figures andAllegoriesvfed in (trip- ture. 346.16 Of the fpirituall combate betwixt the fleihand the (pint. vid. Corn. bate. How the flc111 and fpirit fight toge- ther ? 416 4. The lull of the flè.fh bath two a611- ons. 416.22 A treatifeortlic works of the flefhb . where is handled the condition, . the kinds and the puniíhments thereof: 423.22 i Flefh fignifes- more then fenfuali- tie. 433.'15 -What theBA is? 45°.1-8 in the fief's arc two things: Affeai- ons,and 430'27 Meares tocrucifie the flef3i.45r. 26 For, figniñes not alwaies a caufe,but any Argument. 568. t4.' The foreknowledge of God< vide God. Fornicationwhat it-is ? 4?4 ?4 Againfl tolleration of fornication. 4 5.12. `1Fo file adulterie and fornication. 426.6.. Two fpeciall occafïons of them. 427.4. Freedor$1c in good. things, fours- fold. G The Galatians reuoit. 8. t o What the cl,ure/3esofGal tiauere.. 9.28 How the Galatians receiued thego- fpel? 28.3© To Gentilize what it is ?- 1 t-2.5, Gentlenes,what? 445.29 The gifts of Go -d are inordinately. vfed three wa es. vide Inordinate. The more excellent gifts any bath- receiued, the more he isbound to. be feruiceable to-others. 463.39 The glomof heauen two`otd , Ef.- fentiall,and Accidental). 55-6.23,i To Glorie, implies three things» 62ç.13. Two Grounds ofglorving, one it God, another in hi fro(clfe... 52-7, 1'2. Howe they differ, and Kowa wee° may doeboth? 368.3 rbid. Obieftions againfl glorying and re ioycing in our fettles. 5-17. 30 How glorying in a mans (-cite loth difFcr>`rom v-aine glorie which is a branch of pride. 517. 3G- Foure rules to bee obferued that we niay ?lolly in theTeffimonie of all ; ood Confcience. 518.15 Leffons tobe learned from this that , we are to glenie in theTeßimo.. nie of a good conference. 51 8:3 r G lñrying hen. it -is -goodand when'= ttut1 ? Glorying good or coil): , iFid. 171 Euill glen ing is vaine glorying in three refpeH}s. r>~1d. Wircrein iKe Ot3aht not to glorie. ibr(