Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

rABLE. ibid. 3 5.. neither inwifdome, firength, riches, honour, nor pleafures. ibid. Glorying inoutward things,not on- ly wine but impious. Foure rea Ionse There is atwo fould lawf bol l! ing or glorying, one before od, another before man. 628.29 °bidbons for Boafling anfwered. 618. 16. Vnlawfull gloryingwhen it is 629. 17. Glorying in wickednes three wales. 629. 30. Reafons, why Paul did Glorie ra- ther in Chrifts death, then in his refurre6tion. 631. 21 The Papifts wicked Glorying in thecrofTe. vide crofí-e. Gluttonywhat it is? 439.16 'FalteGoddes are fet vp two waies. 304.16 How God is to be acknowledged and worfhipped? 12. 15 'Godsforeknowledge is notfevered from his will. 108. 12 Inwhat order the foreknowledge of' God (lands to his will. 180. 25 'God is called a father in two re- fpelts. 236.13 'How Godis raid to repent? 220.19 A child ofGod two wares. 236. 26 A treatife of God fendinghis tonne. '279.5 Godknoweth exaftly all our aEìi- ons. 549.26 How the godlymans frnnes doe not condemnehim in thelatter Iudg- ment, three refons. 551. 27 The godlyreape not that they tow, therefore there is another life. 55 2. t 1. Seven rules to hue godhly. 139.10 Whata manmutt doe tobe afíured that he is Gods child? 297.14 Why arfliEtiou is theportion ofthe godlytwo realons. 620. z8 Viesof this that the godly areper- (ecuted andaffii6icd. 61 r.15 Good things are commonly done in euill manner, 330.-5 How theymay be well done, three rules. 330. 2 1 The Godly falle in the manner of dooing good. 344. a Thedune of dooing good declared byfundry arguments. 588.1 Doorngofgood flandcth in three things. 88.4 Rules to be obferued in dooing good. 59o. 34 ``Jc are not allwaies to imitateGod ingood andmill, for three eau - fes. 591. 34 God is the generali good, we the particular. S91.4o To the nature ofthe general) good three things appertawe. 59 ;. 4 Reafons why we ate to doe good to all men. 593.9 Howwe are to doe good efpecially to thehouíhold of faith? 594.20 Reafons to doe good cfpecially to the faithfizll. 5 The order tobe obferued in d59oo4.in3g5 ofgood to others. 596. 23 There is no poflihilitie of dooing good after this life. 6or. 37 Goodnes what it is? 445.38. Goodnes