T' A73 L E. Goodnes refpeCts either the bodie J 498. t 6 or the mind, andhands in foure The doftrine of the Gofpel called by an cxcellende the word, alío the word of the kingdome , ofGod, offakaation, of life. 53o. 36. Our faluation placed alone in grace. 654 15. A child byGrace three wales. 236 28. Vide Child The knowledge of the true God hands in fixe points. 248. 20 What is ment by Grace? r o. 5 l d Grace in god, is the fish caufe ofall good things in vs. 1r. 7 G race and peace are the cheife good things to be fought for. r r. 30 Gods order in the communication ofgrace & peace. r 2.2 t Grace and works cannot hand to- gether in iuflification. 20. 18 Wherein flandes the efficacy ofpre- uenting grace? 5 2. 10 Whether it can be refilled? 5 2.30 How efficacieof grace and hbertie ofvvill hand together? 52.37 Grace in Scripture fignificth two things. 253.10 Preuentinggrace is two fould. 3.08. 24. The works ofgracein God Imprint i their Image in the hearts of them that belong to God. 308. 3 2 Falling from grace though but in part is dangerous. 339. 23 e is called a rtriftetic The hatredofG ods grace in man is ECCee T athions. 446.9 Goodnes three fould, preferuing, vniting, &communicatiuc. 5s9 Communicatiue Goodncs bath4. degrees. 589. 29 What is vnderflood by Gea'? 531.24 A fclicitie to recciue the doctrineof' the Gofpell, and what benefits come thereby? 326.27 The law and Golpe!! not on in fub- hance ofdot-trine. 378. 9 The Gofpell muh be preached ra- ther then the law,for two caufes. 54. It mull be preached to the Gentiles! for two caufes. 54. 38' There is but one Gofpel and one way of faluation. 21'. ;I Popifh religion fubuertes the Gof- pelofChrifl. 23. 15 Thedotìrine of the Gofpel called the truth for two caufes. 159. 20 The annquitie of the Gofpel. 181. 19. How it differs from the lawe. ¡'ide Lawe. TheGofpel was not reueiled to the world till after the comming of Chrifl. 228. r t Perfecution and the preaching of Gofpel goc hand in hand. 62o. 20. The Gofpel is nonew law. 497. 23. Inwhat the lawe and Gofpel agree ? 497.24 They differ in flue things. 498.9 Why the Gofp 1 Thecaufes ofgrace be the father & Chrih, and how they are iflina in regard ofthe manner of wor- king? i o. 38